

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1159
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201102181800002023 论文字数:11342 所属栏目:植物学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

(1)共调查了90棵树。主要树种3种:欧洲大叶榆(Ulmns laevis Pall.)、垂柳(Salix babylonica Linn.)、白蜡(Fraxinus chinensis);分别隶属于:榆科(Ulmaceae)、 杨柳科(Salicaceae)、 木犀科(Oleaceae)三个科。这三个树种分别个调查了30棵。主要病虫害4种:柳瘿叶蜂 (Pontania sp.)、草履蚧 (Drosicha corpulenta(kuwana))、煤污病(Capnodium sp.)、蚜虫。并且通过观察得出每种病害或虫害的受害状及造成危害的主要时期、危害的部位、严重程度等。
ABSTRCT:Investigation of plant diseases and insect pests direct at kinds of trees and flowers in the gardens which the investigation of site is Junken Park in Wujiaqu City, and Prelimanary know about the diseases and insect pests survey, the types, volume, and damage to fill the local blank. In the standard of reconnaissance and standard strains survey to summarize existing problem about diseases and insect pests occurrence and control, study the general rules of major pests in the local, make an annual calendar to prevent plant diseases and insect pests.
(1)Investigation of 90 ornamental plants, found 3 species of tree: Ulmns laevis Pall, Salix babylonica Linn, Fraxinus chinensis.Belonging to: Ulmaceae, Salicaceae, Oleaceae. The three species were a survey of 30.4 mainly insect and disease: Pontania sp, Drosicha corpulenta(kuwana), Capnodium sp, aphid. And through the observation that every disease and pests or suffer harm of the main period, the severity of the damage, etc.
(2) For every kind of ornamental plants survey among the most major diseases or insect damage index, its victims. The percentage of damage about Pontania sp, Drosicha corpulenta(kuwana), Capnodium sp and aphid was 100%. According to the main insect pests of collection of observation and access to information about its main characteristics and wintering sites, winter, insect pests and serious for the time period.
  (3) Meanwhile, through the understanding of pest has found defects, use of chemical pesticides causes many problems, reduces the number of the natural enemies and phytotoxicity etc. Park has many small trees grow not timely and more susceptible to cut down, and makes some pest to spread.
Through the investigation of the main preliminary understanding of species pests in Junken park. From the main species of insect pests in Junken park for the garden after the investigation provides scientific basis for insect control.


1 前言 1
1.1 国内外研究概况 1
1.1.1 园林病虫结构变化 1
1.1.2 不合理植物配置与病虫发生关系 1
1.1.3 城市生态恶化与病虫发生关系 2
1.1.4 生物入侵 2
1.2 调查的目的与意义 3
2研究地区 4
2.1 自然概况 4
2.2 社会经济概况 4
2.3 植被情况和主要树种 4
3研究方法 6
3.1 样地设置及调查方法 6
3.1.1 样地设置 6
3.1.2 调查方法 6
3.2 标本鉴定及数据分析 7
3.2.1 标本鉴定 7
3.2.2 数据分析 7
4结果与分析 8
4.1 常见病虫害 8
4.1.1 虫害种类和寄主植物受害状 8
4.1.2 病害种类和寄主植物受害状 8
4.2 主要病虫害 9
4.2.1 发生率及危害程度 9
4.2.2 发生发展规律 9
4.3 防治措施及对策 10
4.3.1 病虫害管理现状 10
4.3.2 建议和意见 10
5结论与讨论 13
5.1 结论 13
5.2 讨论 13
参考文献 15
指导教师简介 17
致谢 18

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