Culture-Oriented Functional Approaches to Chinese-English Translating
论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Culture-Oriented Functional Approaches to Chinese-English Translating
Chapter I A General Introduction to Functional Translating Theory 1
1.1 Historical Review
1.2 Functional Translating Theory
1.2.1 Notion of functional translating
1.1.2 Essence of functional translating theory
1.1.3 Drawbacks of equivalent theory
1.3 Principles of Translating: Purposeful Principle, Loyalty Principle &
Coherence Principle
Chapter II The Elementary Factors in the Process of Translation
2.1 Analysis of the Roles in the Process of Translating
2.1.1 Initiator and commissioner
2.1.2 Translator
2.1.3 Source-text producer
2.1.4 Receiver or addressee
2.1.5 Target-text user
2.2 The Essence of Translating
2.2.1 Translating and the theory of action
2.2.2 The purposefulness of translating Translating is an intentional interaction
2.2.3 The communicative function of translating Translating is an interpersonal interaction Translating is a communicative action
2.2.4 The cross-culture specificity of translation
2.2.5 Translating is a text-processing action
Chapter III A Brief Literature Review of Functional Translating Theory
3.1 Marcus Tullius Cicero
3.2 Catford
3.3 Eugene A. Nida
3.4 Katharina Reiss
3.5 Hans J. Vermeer
3.6 Justa Holz-Manttari
3.7 Susan Bassnett
3.8 Sandor Hervey and Ian Higgins
Chapter IV The Culture-Oriented Functional Approaches to Translating
4.1 The Understanding of the Concept of Culture: Cultural Hierarchy and
Cultural Specificity
4.1.1 Literary communication across culture barriers: the sender’s intention
and the text, the text and the receiver
4.1.2 Language and culture
4.1.3 Communicating and culture
4.1.4 Cultural transformation
4.2 Types of Function: Referential Function, Expressive Function, Appellative
Function and Phatic Function
4.3 The Translator: Knowledge and Skills
4.3.1 Ideal bilingual competence
4.3.2 Expertise
4.3.3 Communicative competence
4.4 Pragmatic Aspects of Translation
Chapter V Contrastive Studies of the Major Discrepancies Between Chinese
and English
5.1 Analytic & Synthetic
5.2 Hypotactic & Paratactic
5.3 Impersonal & Personal
5.4 Abstract & Concrete
5.5 Stative & Dynamic
5.6 Thematic & Topical
Chapter VI Achieving the Cultural Message Transformation in the Light of
Culture-Oriented Functional Approaches
6.1 The Theoretical Basis of Arriving at Cultural Message Transformation
6.2 The Applicability of Culture-Oriented Functional Approaches
6.3 The Realization of Cultural Message Transformation
Chapter VII Application in Chinese-English Translation by Means of Culture-
Oriented Functional Approaches
7.1 Translating as a Cross-Culture Event
7.1.1 Annotation, contextual amplification, shift of perspective, specification
& generalization
7.1.2 Alienation & adaptation
7.1.3 An integrated approaches
7.1.4 Re-decoding of cultural failure
7.2 Textual Coherence
Chapter Eight Conclusion