

日期:2018年03月16日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2037
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201212011413163805 论文字数:40000 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



His contributions to this field of translation mainly lie in two areas:1) He brought about communication theory and semiotics into the translation theory and put forward thefunctional equivalence theory. 2) He also brought about the latest research studies of modern linguisticsto the translation theory. (Zhou Yi & Luo Ping, 1999:32-33)Functional equivalence theory provides new perspectives for translation. Translation studies inChina were not only limited on the static analysis of translation criteria after introduction of functionalequivalence as before. At this time, Chinese translation studies were mainly focused on the techniquesof translation. The different between literal translation and free translation has been primarily the focuson discussion or debate, very little constructive advice on to what should be done to improve thetranslation was provided until the introduction of the methods of functional equivalent theory. Theproblem is that both the literal translation and the free translation methods mainly depend on therelationship of the source text and the target text; whether in terms of the style or content, keep socialcircumstances of translation lost from sight. While the methods of functional equivalent theoryintroduce a new dimension the relationship of receptors for the target language text.
In the perspective of communication, functional equivalence theory allows more freedom andflexibility to the translator who is used to follow strict formal equivalence in order to be “faithful” to thesource language text. When translators focus on the style of source language text, their translation issource language text oriented correspondent. So the readers may find the target text obscure and evenunintelligible. For functional equivalence, translators have much space to put the message of text. Inother words, its semantic meaning is in a way to meet the receptor’s cultural needs. The translatordoesn’t have to insist the style of the source text as far as the meaning is conveyed to the target readers.The receptor oriented dynamic equivalence criteria give priority to adaptations in grammar, lexicon andcultural information and so on, which is considered essential to business text to target text.

1.2 Reasons for applying Nida’s functional equivalence theory  to business English translation  奈达的功能对等理论在商务英语翻译的应用
The situation of Nida’s functional equivalence applied in business English translation has beenclaimed before in this thesis. Though the development of business English attracts many scholars tostudy home and abroad, and they propose many theories and suggestive opinions on practical businessEnglish translation. But practical business translation needs to be guided by systematical translationtheories. Among them, Eugene A. Nida is a prominent one, and his functional equivalence influencesmany scholars in the world now. Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory is selected by the author to applyin the business English E-C translation. The application of Nida’s functional equivalence theory tobusiness English E-C translation not only to offer the advance theoretical theory but also can act as theguiding theory to work on the business English E-C translation practice.

Chapter II Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory奈达的功能对等理论

2.1 Functional equivalence 功能对等
Some people have assumed that a valid judgment about a translation could be obtained by askingpeople t rate a translation on a seven point scale in terms of such features as accurate/inaccurate, goodstyle/poor style, idiomatic/flat, and easy/hard, but the bases for judgment would differ so radically fromone person to the next that nothing really worthwhile would be derived from such a process. (Nida,2009:86)
Some people have assumed that a valid judgment about a translation could be obtained by askingpeople t rate a translation on a seven point scale in ter