

日期:2018年03月16日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2034
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201212011413163805 论文字数:40000 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ms of such features as accurate/inaccurate, goodstyle/poor style, idiomatic/flat, and easy/hard, but the bases for judgment would differ so radically fromone person to the next that nothing really worthwhile would be derived from such a process. (Nida,2009:86)

Chapter Ⅲ The Language Features of Business English................................ 20-25
    3.1 The definition of business English................................ 20-21
    3.2 The classification of business English................................ 21
    3.3 The language features of business English ................................21-25
        3.3.1 The lexical features of business English ................................21-23
        3.3.2 The syntactic features of business English................................ 23
        3.3.3 The textual features of business English................................ 23-25
Chapter Ⅳ Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory Applied ................................25-72
    4.1 Nida’s functional equivalence theory applied ................................25-41
    4.2 Nida’s functional equivalence theory applied ................................41-62
        4.2.1 The definition of business English contract ................................41-42
        4.2.2 The language features of business English contract ................................42-49
    4.3 Nida’s functional equivalence theory applied ................................62-72
        4.3.1 The definition of business English advertisement ................................62-63
        4.3.2 The language features................................ 63-67
Chapter Ⅴ Conclusions ................................72-74
    5.1 Findings of this study ................................72
    5.2 Limitations of this study................................ 72
5.3 Suggestions for further study................................ 72-74

Conclusion 结论

This study attempts to explore the E-C translation of three kinds of business English texts. Theauthor does find out that only translate the designative and associative meanings of business text needto be translated simultaneous as far as possible, the business English text can reach the adequacy oftranslation. Nida’s functional equivalence theory serves as a good theoretical guidance to the E-Ctranslation of three kinds of business English texts.
This study intends to find the best solution to the E-C translation of three kinds of business Englishtexts by applying Nida’s functional equivalence theory. Yet the author still feels that more experience isneeded in translating these three kinds of business English texts and study on equivalence due to thelimitations of time and energy. Therefore, limitations of this study are unavoidable.
Firstly, this thesis applies Nida’s functional equivalence theory to only three kinds of businessEnglish texts translation, not all the business English texts.
Secondly, this thesis only discusses E-C translation of three kinds of business English texts, notdiscusses C-E translation of them.
Thirdly, it fails to cover all texts of the business