

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1390
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201001261157481194 论文字数:216663 所属栏目:区域经济论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis


Geographical Indication is a special commercial production source identification signs; it is also an important intellectual property which widespread attented by the international community today. Now, old mode (certification mark mode) and new mode (registration of geographical indication mode) to protect geographical indication (“GI”)co-exist in China.
Under the coexistence of these two models, the application of different laws and regulations, the oblige、there are big difference of the right and exercising the right. Consequently, the two government departments in charge of specific protection model, approach to the practice cause many conflicts. They have attracted academia and the news media for the protection of geographical indications of great concern.
Based on the protection of geographical indications of domestic legislation and the protection of geographical indications of a few classic cases in Zhejiang, the article will introduce the concept of geographical indications, and its characteristics. These cases focus on the two types of protection from different model of a system of geographical indications under trademark system and the performance of specific conflicts further analysis of the form described, focusing on the protection of geographical indications of the way the current Zhejiang's strengths and its weaknesses. Trademark registration system of geographical indication and propose solutions to some ideas and options

Key words:Geographical indications; right; certification; methods of protection; relation of interests

前言 1
一、 浙江在全国地理标志保护中的地位 2
二、 关于地理标志的一般理论 3
(一) 地理标志的涵义和相关概念 3
1、“产地标记” 4
2、“原产地” 4
3、“地理标志” 5
(二)地理标志的法律特征 7
(三)地理标志保护的重要意义 8
三、地理标志模式研究 9
(一)双重模式比较研究 9
(二)不同模式的案例分析 10
1.“金华”火腿案 10
(1)商标问题 11
(2)地理标志问题 11
(3)商标和地理标志的纷争 11
2.“龙井”茶叶案 13
(1)相关争论 13
(2)复杂的利益关系 14
3.“绍兴”黄酒案 15
(1)专门的地理标志保护制度起的作用 15
四、关于商标权和地理标志冲突的思考与几点建议 16
(一)模式一的再思考与建议 16
(二)模式二的再思考与建议 17
(三)双重模式共存的再思考与建议 17
(四)建议归纳 18
结论 19
致谢 20
参考文献 21

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