摘 要:近几年来全国的贸易都处于贸易顺差的状态,浙江省作为全国的贸易大省,对全国的经济起着举足轻重的影响。自1997年浙江外贸突破100亿美元之后,外贸顺差从此进入了高速增长时期。浙江外贸对全国经济有着如此重要的影响,因此在认识浙江外贸顺差的历史必然性和意义的同时,我们还要分析浙江外贸结构,浙江外贸现状,产生这些现状的原因以及分析出外贸顺差的趋势,这样能企业能认清形式健康发展,使国家能够做出正确的政策。
In recent years the country's trade states in a ‘trade surplus’ situation. Zhejiang as a big economy province plays a decisive impact on the national economy. Since 1997, Zhejiang's foreign trade exceeded 10 billion dollars of trade surplus; the trade surplus of Zhejiang entered a period of high growth. Zhejiang's foreign trade has such an important impact on the national economy, so when we know Zhejiang's foreign trade surplus in the understanding of the necessity and the significance of the history, at the same time we should also know Zhejiang's foreign trade structure; Zhejiang’s foreign trade situation; the reasons for these status quos, as well as the analysis of trends in foreign trade surplus. This can form a clear understanding of the healthy development of an enterprise, so that the state can make the right policy.
Key words:Trade surplus Foreign trade structure Sustainability
目 录
前言 1
一、 浙江外贸顺差的发展现状 1
二、浙江外贸顺差的主要特点 4
三、全国外贸顺差的情况与趋势 7
四、预测影响浙江外贸顺差发展因素的总结与趋势分析 8
(一)影响因素 8
(二)浙江外贸顺差的可持续分析 10
五、正确看待浙江外贸顺差 11
结论 12
致谢 13
参考文献 14
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