

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1671
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201404082125215081 论文字数:25112 所属栏目:平面设计论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

摘 要

    汝瓷在我国宋代已位居汝、官、哥、钧、定五大名窑之首, 当时被钦定为宫廷御用瓷,其釉色更冠绝于百瓷之上,享有“青瓷之首,汝窑为魁”的美誉。瓷釉如碧峰翠色,晶莹明丽、土质细润、坯坚细腻、釉料浑厚、清澈温润、和谐完美的特征,显现了朴素内敛、端庄凝练、含蓄柔婉、追求极致的审美特征;而其器型线条流畅、工艺精细,比例适中、棱角自然,形体得当,更衬托出了大气婉约、端庄大方、古朴雅致、颇具风韵的审美品格。


Ru porcelain in China's Song dynasty among the thee, officer, Domingo, June, first of the five famous kilns, and was ordained to be the Court Queen's porcelain, above its more overwhelming than the porcelain glaze, enjoy "celadon first, ru-Quebec" in the world. Porcelain glaze as bi peak Chui color, Crystal-neon, and soil xirun, and billet Caine delicate, and glaze material thick, and clear burnished, and harmony perfect of features, appeared has plain introverted, and demure condensed, and implicit clearness and, and pursuit ultimate of aesthetic features; and its players type line smooth, and technology fine, proportion moderate, and edges natural, body properly, more against out has atmospheric graceful, and demure generous, and quaint elegant, and rather charm of aesthetic character. This in discussion Ru porcelain origin, and produced technology of based Shang, focuses on discussion its glaze color of divided and the unique of shape features, exploring Ru porcelain culture, and create of unique sexual, and pursuit ultimate sexual and difficult copy sexual by makes of Ru porcelain unique of art beauty mass and aesthetic character, combines modern other kiln mouth porcelain development vein, tries to analysis restriction contemporary Ru porcelain recovery and development of shackles. Articles from the three main parts of the subject. The first part, combines ancient Chinese philosophy, especially the evolution of aesthetic ideas, Song Ru porcelain glaze color and form an outline of the development of constructed based on this summary of the basic characteristics of Ru porcelain glaze and shape and aesthetic ideas embodied in it. The second part, to research the development of the existing kiln Ru porcelain factory. According to the survey results to identify modern kiln Ru porcelain development defects and shortfall in glaze color and shape, and analyse the reasons for this situation. Third part, analysis China ancient other has representative of ceramic and modernization design phase combines of instance, summary China traditional ceramic glaze color, and shape and modern ceramic glaze color, and shape development basic 
law, through Ru porcelain development and other representative ceramic development of development status for contrast, combines Ru porcelain itself in glaze color, and shape aspects of aesthetic features, exploration Ru porcelain and modernization decorative design phase combines of development ideas.

摘 要 I
绪 论 1
一、 汝瓷研究现状及本文研究方法 3
(一)国内外研究现状简介 3
(二)目前研究中存在的问题及其原因简析 3
1.存在的问题 3
2.原因简析 4
(三)本文研究主要内容 4
(四) 本文研究主要方法 4
二、汝瓷的审美特征及其形制与釉色的概分 6
(一)汝瓷概述 6
1. 特征 7
2. 历史发展 7
(二)汝瓷形制的概分及其特点 8
1.汝瓷形制种类概分 8
2.代表性器型特点 9
(1)樽 9
(2)盏 10
(3)洗 10
(4)瓶 11
3.汝官窑形制特点 12
4.汝民窑形制特点 13
(三) 汝瓷代表性釉色 13
1.豆绿釉 14
2.月白釉 14
3. 天青釉 14
4.汝官窑釉色特征 15
5.汝民窑釉色特征 15
(四) 汝瓷釉色与形制融合产生的审美所反映的哲学思想 16
1.“清静无为”的道家精神 16
2.“中庸和谐”的儒家思想 17
二、 汝瓷与其它民窑瓷器创新发展的比较 17
(一)汝瓷形制与釉色的发展与创新现状 18
1.汝瓷的仿古与创新 18
2. 形制的创新设计 19
3. 釉色的恢复与创新 19
4. 汝瓷研制现状的调研 20
5. 汝瓷釉色及形制创新存在问题的分析及建议 21
(二) 现代名窑陶瓷釉色与形制发展现状分析 22
1. 钧瓷釉色及形制的创新 22
2. 景德镇釉色及形制的完善 23
四、 汝瓷多领域的拓展 23
(一)日用瓷的研发 23
(二)结合多种窑口整合创新 24
(三) 借鉴仿生学概念进