A bstract:"D ynam ic Y unnan"is am ilestone-like achievem entin the course ofdeveloping Y unnan ethnic culturalindustry.At the sam e tim e,itis also regarded as one ofthe patterns suitable forthe inheritance and developm entofethnic culture."D ynam ic Y unnan"ofcourse can'tpresentthe authentic“prim ary condition”,eitherin the form orin the content,though itsdance collections are stillvaluable."D ynam ic Y unnan",presented in a brand-new w ay,isnovelin itsideal,unique in itsform and ofgreatattainm entin itsartistic perform ance.It'snotrealistic to have"D ynam ic Y unnan"responsible forthe task ofthe traditionalculturalinheritance.Therefore,theso-called"Y ang-Liping-Pattern"should beadded w ith som estufffrom otherperspectives.