
津巴布韦农业和食品价值链融入区域和全球价值链的路径思考: 基于CGE GTAP-VA 分析方法

日期:2021年08月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1057
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202108100934061821 论文字数:36599 所属栏目:农业推广论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 Introduction

Agriculture is considered as the backbone of the Zimbabwean economy and about 70% of the population depend on agriculture for their livelihood. The major food crops the country grows  are  maize,  small  grains,  wheat,  groundnuts  and  beans.  Major  cash  crops  include tobacco,  cotton,  sugar  cane,  soya  bean  and  horticultural  crops.  The  livestock  sector  is comprised of beef and dairy cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and poultry (Government of Zimbabwe, 2018). The sector is linked to other various manufacturing and industrial sectors that use its produce as raw materials for other uses. After the Land reform programme in 2000, the farm structures  were  distributed  resulting  in  98%  of  the  farmers  being  smallholders  who  have limited  farming  skills.  This  has  led  to  the  country  being  uncompetitive,  obtaining  low productivity and having poor access to markets. When it comes to trading in the international market, Zimbabwe is not very much integrated in the global market. 

From years past, it was considered as Africa’s bread basket although, not adequate data is available to support that notion. However, the nation is now considered to be a net importer of  most  necessity  goods  and  there  is  therefore  need to restore and develop the country’s ability to feed and contribute to  Africa’s bread basket.  (The World Bank Group, 2019). Moreover, based on the Forum for China and African Cooperation (FOCAC) Action Plan (2019-2021), Zimbabwe has an opportunity to improve its development. This Action plan was developed at the 2018 Beijing Summit and is the 7th Ministerial Conference that was held  in  September  2018.  Eight  major  initiatives  were  announced  with  regards  to  the collaboration  between  China  and  Africa  with  the  aim  of  strengthening  the  China-Africa Cooperation. 


1.2 Background

Zimbabwe is a landlocked country that covers an area of 390 580 square kilometres. The country lies in the Southern part of Africa and borders with Zambia, Mozambique, Botswana, South African and Namibia. Its climate is classified as tropical and the country is divided into five Agro-ecological regions depending on climate and soil type. Agriculture is the pillar of the economy. 

Figure 1 Zimbabwean Map Source: (United Nations, 2021)

Figure 1 Zimbabwean Map Source: (United Nations, 2021)

Zimbabwe’s agricultural production has in the past years decreased which has led to the sector  losing  its  competitiveness  and  the  nation  relying  on  imports  to  supplement  the domestic  production  (Webber  et  al.,  2013).  Despite  the  technology  that  has  been disseminated through various forms such as financial credit, training, improved seeds and machinery, the country still faces low productivity in the agricultural sector. This had led to some value chain actors to opt for importing inputs for their production processes rather than buying  them locally.  This is  because  as  it  stands,  importing  inputs  has  become  relatively cheaper  than  buying  locally  since  the  low  yields  are  influencing  the  cost  of  local  prices charged. These high prices charged on the local agricultur