
津巴布韦农业和食品价值链融入区域和全球价值链的路径思考: 基于CGE GTAP-VA 分析方法

日期:2021年08月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1034
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202108100934061821 论文字数:36599 所属栏目:农业推广论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
al products have led the sector to become incompetent both nationally and regionally (SNV, 2016). Figure 2 shows Zimbabwe’ integration in the GVC since 2001-20192. 



2.1 Concept of Value Chains

2.1.1 Definition of Value Chain

(Borch,  2011)  defines  Value  chain  as  set  of  consecutive  value  adding  activities  that  are performed by a set of autonomous yet interdependent actors working in a market to earn a profit. According to Porter (1985), value chain analysis describes the range of activities and services required to bring the product from its conception, through its design, sourcing of raw  materials  and  intermediate  inputs,  marketing  and  distribution  to  its  final  consumer. These activities produce goods and  services and  maybe performed by individual firms or among different firms hence, the activities maybe in-house or spread over wider areas. The concept of value chain analysis is built on the assumption that it takes a firm more than just possessing  machinery,  equipment,  labour  and  financial  capital  to  produce  a  product  but requires all these to be arranged into a system whereby the system will be able to produce products that consumers are willing to purchase (Porter, 1985). Hence, value chain analysis is important for investigating the value that each particular activity adds on to the products or  services.  Porter  goes  on  to  classify  the  range  of  activities  into  primary  and  support activities as in figure 3. With primary activities as those activities which contribute directly to the production or delivery of a product and are identified as inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales. These primary activities however are each linked to  support  activities  such  as  procurement,  technology  development,  human  resource management  and  infrastructure.  All  these  support  activities  are  meant  to  improve  the effectiveness or efficiency of the primary activities. Both primary and support activities are linked  through  flows  of  information,  goods  and  services  and  systems  and  processes  for adjusting activities. Hence, the effective management of these activities generates margins for the firm (OECD, 2008).  


2.2 Concept Development of GVCs

2.2.1 Definition of Global Value Chain

Antràs, (2020) defines Global Value Chain (GVC) as a series of stages that are involved in producing a product or service that is sold to consumers, with each stage and at least two stages  being  produced  in  different  countries.  The  author  goes  on  to  conclude  that  a  firm participates in a GVC if it produces at least one stage in a GVC. 

2.2.2 Emergence of GVC

World Trade Organisation (2017) GVC is a term which was derived from the comprehensive study on the structure of how value  is being distributed among countries. History reveals that,  the  movement  of  goods  and  ideas  used  to  be  difficult  than  it  is  today  and  it  led  to economic  activities  for  self-efficiency  to  be  achieved  at  points  of  production  and consumption within the close proximity. Only luxury items would be traded outside but at high prices to cater for the risks that would be incurred. However, improvement in the land and water transport led to the exp