

日期:2021年07月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1030
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202107091541141300 论文字数:39566 所属栏目:农业经济论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis



1.1 Problematic

In Madagascar, vanilla is not a significant spice, subsequently, the majority of production is exclusivelyintended for export.

At the national level, the cultivation of vanilla is among the predominant activities in rural areas as in theSAVA region. Farmers in this region depend heavily on the cultivation of vanilla, cloves, and cocoa astheir primary source of income. Yet, vanilla in Madagascar is particularly a risky activity for bothinvestors and farmers since its exploitation can last up to 6 years before the first harvest. Throughout thisproduction, operations are disrupted by frequent hazards such as tropical cyclones due to the geographiclocation of the country; Besides, cyclical political instabilities in the country are recurrent, and the isolationof farmers from each other gives the communication challenges which ends in an inadequate organizationof the sector.

Internationally, vanilla is considered as a luxury spice that is commonly used as flavors for both food andcosmetic industries for its unique flavor and smell; natural vanilla is also said to be the second mostexpensive spice in the world, second only to saffron, consequently, its demand and its price keepincreasing.

As Madagascar is the world's leading producer and exporter of vanilla, the instability of its productioninevitably produces a variation in the global supply, which in turn leads to income instability for farmerswho must resolve at the purchase price delimited by collectors and exporters. Indeed, more and morefarmers devote their work to the cultivation of vanilla which is approximately about 80,000 farmers, 6000collectors and 33 exporters on 25,000 hectares of land (Shriver, 2013). In 2018, the number of exportersincreases from 33 to 140 exporters. In addition to the interdependence of exporting and importingcountries on a limited number of traded products, the vagaries in producing countries also have an impacton price variation on the international market and lead to the life alteration and development of producers.From this arises a fundamental question for this research: do internal hazards lead to vanilla price changein the international trade?


1.2 Purpose and meaning

This research aimed to determine whether hazards such as the tropical cyclones and political instabilityhave an impact on the production, and the price of vanilla. This study will determine by its root thesituation and condition of vanilla production in Madagascar. Indeed, this research is essential sinceMadagascar is the country that exports the most vanilla in the world, the vulnerability of producers to thedifferent types of risks to which households are exposed to the example of tropical cyclones and climatechange can influence and weaken the stability of vanilla volume production and price. As the majority of producers in north-eastern of Madagascar depend on this crop, understanding how this vulnerabilityaffects the distribution channel is an important step since it can serve as a basis for determining thevariation in production and prices of vanilla. On the social level, this article will seek to investigate theliving and working conditions of Malagasy farmers who live from this culture.

In this spirit, Chapter 1 will be devoted to the research methods applied to this study which will aim todelimit the research frameworks. Chapter 2 will focus on a literature review of three main axes, which are,first, the literature review of the various tropical cyclones that have hit Madagascar in recent years andtheir impacts. Second, a generality on political instabilities and finally a generality on ICTs and their use inagriculture as an alternative to improve production and the standard of living of producers. Chapter 3 willbe devoted to a brief observation of