

日期:2021年07月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1030
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202107091541141300 论文字数:39566 所属栏目:农业经济论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
untries, in this regard, (Lipset, 1960) described a democratic stability as “constant continuationof political democracy and therefore, the nonexistence of political movement opposed to the democratic rulesof the game.” (Chua, 2004) in her book explain that if an ethnic minority is economically predominant in amajority of a poor native country, a democratic power will result in ethnic violence. In his study on PoliticalInstability, (Jong-A-Pin, 2008) uses an exploratory factor analysis on several set of political instabilityindicators and its effect on economic growth and pointed out some events on political instability comparableto the coup d’état in Madagascar in 2009 such as the military takeover in Thailand September 2006; as wellas pacifically protesting monks in Burma and the ethnic cleansing in Darfur, Sudan or the ethnic differencesin Kenya after the 2007 elections. 

Table 2-2: Correlations between the dimensions of political instability and other indices.

Table 2-2: Correlations between the dimensions of political instability and other indices.



3.1 The economic and political history of the vanilla sector in Madagascar........................16

3.1.1 Period before 1995...............................16

3.1.2 The period from 1995 to 2004 ...........................................16

CHAPTER 4 VANILLA PRODUCTION.......................21

4.1 Generalities on vanilla distribution channel...............................21

4.1.1 Producers..................................22

4.1.2 Intermediaries......................................22


5.1 Historical analysis of vanilla variation production and export from 1998 to 2018 ......32

5.1.1 From 1998 to 2004............................32

5.1.2 From 2005 to 2018.............................34


6.1 Result

6.1.1 Madagascar Vanilla production

On the internal production chain of vanilla, producers are the most active, essential, and numerous agents inMadagascar. Their profession requires intensive and constant work as shown in Table 4-2 which gives us anestimation of the required time to mature green vanilla which is a minimum of three years. During thesethree years, each year, for a total duration of nine months, various activities ranging from clearing topollination are necessary to obtain good quality vanilla. The 5 categories of producers are all concerned withthese activities. However, we can perceive the predominance of Category 1 farmers, which testifies thecomplexity of collecting vanilla crops since these farmers have small areas of exploitation and are scatteredthroughout the SAVA region. Category 2 farmers rely on them to supply raw materials like rice in this region.Category 3, 4, and 5 farmers specialize not only in the exploitation of vanilla but also in the diversification ofcash crops (Table 4-4 and 4-5).

Between 1995 and 2017 (Table 5-1), the volume of exported vanilla has constantly fluctuated, ranging from680 tonnes (1998) to 3,100 tonnes (2007). The 2007 period can be explained four years earlier in 2003 by thechange in the formula of the agro-food industries from natural to synthetic vanilla due to a record price on themarket (201 USD/ kg worldwide). Indeed, after 2003, the amount of demand for natural vanilla on theinternational market has uniformly declined, driving each year the producing countries to store their vanillain addition to the harvested vanilla. Concerning the price of vanilla, we can observe that the devaluation ofvanilla on the international market results in price stability between 10 to 30 USD/ kg for 9 years (2005 to2013); In 2014, the vanilla regained its value on the international market at 50 USD/ kg, and after only fewyears, its value to increase by more than 1100% reaching a record price (over 20 years ) of 600 USD/ kg.Regarding the export value share from 1995 to 2017, Madagascar remains the dominant country with anaverage of 51,05% ($ 250,5 mi