3.2. Analysis of selection method
In this case we have three selection method to analysis , for the first point ability and aptitude test focus in general intelligence and special ability but in personal profiling they force on your experience and your skills and ability test cover a ranges of area more than personality test , but in the personal test the more fuses on personal profile and your resume , your past experience . they use personal test for find special person for suitable of some post . different between personality test and ability test is they used personality test they want to find good person for right position and is related to your characteristic not in your ability , actually ability is important but they aren't focus on ability but in other hand psychometric test is mental measure test and actually psychometric test covers ability test and personal testing and psychometric test is more complete than the others , it cover ability and characteristic but some people believes psychometric test is not very good because tests are statistically examined . But psychometric test is useful in a commercial , academic and educational.
4. Recommendations
My idea as Human Resource Manager of Onestop bank Bhd is they must use personal interview (face to face ) because is more useful to find person with good skills for each job position , the reason is personal interview show us ability and commendation skills of applicants and also it will be useful for know about Appearance of them , actually we can see reaction of them when employer ask question and also responds action . this good because we can give them more time and they can explain about performance and skills of they can provide to us .
In the selection method we can use ability test or personal test but I think personal test is better for onestop bank because bank need some employee with good skills , they can chose right person for each position because personal test focusing on characteristic and the bank can hair them for exactly suitable position. the personality test is fast and not higher cost .because of this things I think personality test is very good method onestop bank.
5. Conclusions