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Interview Selection Methods


Selection is the process of discovering the prerequisite and specifications of the job candidate in additional establish likely suitably for the work position. Selection have seven process to choose best person and qualified them for the job, actually selection needs a methodical come up to the problem of finding the good matched person for the work position. First selection method is interview, In hiring process last steps and the most important process is interview. It offers an idea about the company and actually interview is way to exchange information and approach to tentative conclusions about hiring one another. In interview can describe your experience and your skills and get some information an idea about what is happening with the company. important thing is an employer get some additional information about you that is not provided in your resume or in your cover letter, they looking for what motivates you and how u communicate with others if you are a manager or follower. Interviewee start evaluate the employer after while interviewer evaluates interviewee. interviewee must preparing before interview. This is best way to combat the interview nerves. Interviewee must know who you are meeting with and which format interview will be follow . Interviewers have many choice to choose from dissimilar style and methods of interviewing and they try to find out many information about a candidate , actually they want to find out the reaction of them in to the different situation . if candidate have extra information about company that could be have an effect on the result of the interview . we have many type of interview but important type of interview is

Telephone interview

Personal interview

Behavioral interview

Group or panel interview

Video conference interview

Normally company choose the telephone interview or personal interview and some time using behavioral interview. OneStop Bank Bhd use interview for select person for job position but selection method have different type of that can be useful for the onestop bank company , the important type of selection is


Psychometric testing

Ability and aptitude tests



In this case another than interview , Psychometric testing and Personality is useful for the onestop bank . also they can use this two kind of selection to qualified them for the work position.

1. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Interviews

Interview have many different type but normally must of the company using three kind of interviewing. First one is telephone interview , employer call to eliminate applicants based on necessary criteria , they call u without an appointment . Second is behavioral interview , they will ask question , interviewee must describe how he/she has handled work related situations , this show to them your behavior , skills and personality. last one is personal interview or face to face interview , they will ask you about yourself and your experience .

1.1. Telephone Interview

Telephone interview is very popular interview in the world, most of company using this interview because of low cost and very fast , company use telephone for most screening interview , telephone interview will also used for geographic obstacles ,or some time the candidates lives in another country or city . The fact is telephone interview is the formal method of interviewing , if candidate`s ability to sense delicate non verbal cues that can be challenging telephone interview . the important thing is interviewee must focused to tones of interviewer`s