
留学生毕业论文proposal:国际管理硕士开题范文INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT

日期:2018年01月22日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1507
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201711091102116366 论文字数:1638 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:开题报告 Proposal
inventories forced manufactures to develop efficient and effective supply chain management (Nitin et al., 2010).
c. quality improvement
Harber (1990) believes JIT contribute to continuous quality improvement and promoting employee participation in planning and execution. Spencer and Guide (1995) presented a case stating that quality improvements are seen as the result of JIT and that quality is an important component of JIT.
To fully implement JIT, enterprise needs to move the materials smoothly on the basis of stable demand and able to obtain raw materials instantly; it can be solved by managing a good relationship with customers and suppliers. Since SMEs have little leverage to suppliers, they could first start with Just-in-Time production; once it has accomplished, SMEs could focus on Just-in-Time delivery, which requires a work culture where suppliers are interested in long term relationships (Manoochehri, 1988). 
Due to the technical obstacles existing in the implementation of JIT production, simulation as a useful tool was introduced to identify the weakness and risk of manufacturing operation by many experts (Fernando, 2002). 
2. Simulation and Discrete Event Simulation
Simulation is the imitation of the real operation processes or system which predicts the outcome for different assumption without intervention on the system (Banks et al, 2001). It can provide visual and dynamic explanation of how the system works; consequently the system can be tested and improved (Detty, 2000). For example, to tackle the design problem of a chemical company, Welgama and Mills (1995) have changed its traditional system to JIT system by means of simulation. 
Simulation consists of three main schools: discrete event simulation, system simulation and agent-based simulation (Dooley, 2002). Discrete event simulation refers to the model of the operation system having a discrete sequence of events in time. And each event occurs at a particular time which marks a change in system state (Robinson, 2004).
Lars Holst (2001) mentioned in his book:
“Discrete-event simulation thus provides analysis, description and evaluation capabilities of systems, and if successfully applied can support collaborative work across organizational boundaries and thereby improve information and communication.”
Furthermore, Hollocks (1992) has listed the general advantages of using DES in manufacturing content. Manufactures will benefit from reducing risk and operation cost, shortening production cycle, improving customer service. Detty (2000) has proved that discrete event computer simulation is able to help with adopting lean manufacturing by providing achievable improvement in time-based activities and creditable estimated savings in resources. 

Research questions 研究问题

1. How to build discrete event simulation model for a particular production process and identify the problems in its manufacture operation?
2. How to improve the performance of manufacture operation by applying lean concept, especially JIT and use discrete event simulation for prediction?
As mentioned in Introduction and Literature review, the aim of this dissertation is adopt lean to TongXing Warp Knitting Ltd, especially in terms of JIT, by using discrete event simulation as a modelling technique. 
The dissertation is cond