

日期:2018年06月27日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1939
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201607141138418352 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
he opposite—it is slowing and frustrating a reader. When a writer senses that his message is not crisp and lively, and chooses to be humorous in an effort to give it some “zip,” he has chosen unwisely. Reworking an entire body of writing to enliven it is always the best choice. Only if resorting to humor genuinely energizes a paper and advances a message is it acceptable.

Because humor has, by definition, a comic side, it must be used purposefully. Scholars are purposeful in their scholarship, all learning being a serious and gratifying undertaking. It is, in a phrase, no joking matter. Consequently, any humor that comes across as levity, or frivolous, is out of character with scholarly writing. Therefore, any writer who uses all proven communication techniques—including humor—indeed runs the risk of failing. However, if he succeeds, his reward is peer and professorial recognition as a disciplined, powerful communicator.

3rd Humor Guideline – Use it Sparingly 

Humor in an academic paper is rare because it is virtually proscribed. Beginning writers are advised—make that… strictly warned—not to employ humor for the sensible reason that it is a difficult communication technique. Consequently, many beginning writers mature without ever having used an amusing aside or light touch. They simply do not use humor. That’s regrettable. Those willing to employ humor in a paper—in such light sprinklings that they almost honor the prohibition—can earn the respect of professors for communicating clearly and engagingly.
学术文章几乎不许运用幽默,因此很少看到幽默。新手作者都听过这个建议-应该说是严格的告诫-不要运用幽默,因为幽默是个困难的沟通技巧。这个理由很合理。因此许多新手作者在磨练成长中,从来不曾在文章里穿插风趣或轻松幽默的文字,完全和幽默保持距离,实在很可惜。至于愿意在论文里运用幽默的人, 尽管只是轻描淡写,好像也同意不该用幽默一样,但却因为表达清晰生动而能获得教授青睐。

Here’s an example: In describing the reaction of a laboratory rodent, a writer might straight-forwardly observe, “The mouse smelled the tainted sugar, its nose reacting to the injected block, and returned to