
伯恩茅斯大学组织管理学留学生毕业论文bournemouth university managing organisations

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1421
论文价格:200元/篇 论文编号:lw201306281025123017 论文字数:7002 所属栏目:留学生毕业论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
; Smith 1999; Billing 1995; Spencer and Wollman 2002) while others believe that the state will outlive it (Lentner 2004; Hobsbawm 1990; Kaldor2004).  According to Billing (1995, p.132) the “nation-states may still exist in this global world but their sovereignty is compromised”.  On the other hand, Robertson (1992) contributes that the national-state had it apex from 1880 to 1920, whereas Anderson (1983) lay down an even more critical approach about the nation state as according to him (Anderson 1983, p.6) “it is an imagined political community” because it is impossible even in the smallest nation, that all the residents will be familiar with every citizen of the state.  Marx (1967) and Balakrishnan (1996) share the same critical perspective to Anderson (1986) that nationality is just an illusion, or as Marx (1967, p.25) states “the working men have no country”.  However, this perspective of view is outdated and has been argued by several scholars. (Kitchin et al. 2004)一些研究人员认为,全球化削弱了国家的牢度(勃利等2004年,史密斯1999年,交费1995年,2002年斯宾塞和沃尔曼),而另一些人认为,国家将活得比(2004年Lentner霍布斯鲍姆1990 Kaldor2004)。根据账单(1995年,第132页)“民族国家可能仍然存在于这个全球化的世界,但他们的主权受到损害”。另一方面,罗伯逊(1992)有助于民族国家一八八○年至1920年的顶点,而安德森(1983)放下一个更为关键的方法,因为根据他(安德森1983年,第6页的国家)“这是一个想象的政治共同体”,因为它是不可能的,即使在最小的国家,所有居民将熟悉的状态与每一个公民。马克思(1967)和维文(1996)共享相同的挑剔的眼光,安德森(1986年),国籍只是一种假象,或者作为马克思(1967年,第25页)“工作的人有没有任何一个国家。”然而,这种观点的观点已经过时,一直辩称,几位学者。 (基钦等,2004)

There is a contradictory argument about the effect of globalization on local cultures, on the one hand it tends to boost cultural homogeneity (Levitt 1983; Billing 1995) but on the other, as a more recent study (Chirjevskis  and Ludviga 2009) shows, globalisation is more likely to strengthen the local culture and make it more visible. Businesses face two major consequences of globalisation:  according to Frey-Ridgway (1997) more and more companies are operating in overseas markets whereas Robie et al. (2005) stress that many have to transform their business functioning to accommodate this change. Bhawuk (2008) highlights that only 12% of the world population share the European culture whereas  new value systems have been developed which cause global interaction more complex. Therefore, it is required to raise awareness to cultural differences in order to succeed in the global business environment. 


Anderson, B. (1983) Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso
Ashamalla, H. M. and Crocitto, M. 1997, Easing entry and beyond: Preparing expatriates and partriates for foreign assignment succes