

日期:2022年01月12日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:921
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202201011050244828 论文字数:35266 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
the second  place.  Graduation  resources  are  the  least.  As  to  the  sub-system  of  Attitude, affect  resources  are  used  more  frequently than  judgment  and  appreciation  resources. Within  Engagement  system,  as  the  statistic  provided,  language  users  give  more preference to Heterogloss than Monogloss. It is mainly related to the interactive and communicative  function  of  business  negotiation.  Within  Graduation  system,  focus values occur more frequently than force values. 

Secondly,  through  the  analysis  of  business  negotiation  in  Chapter  Four, interpersonal meaning can be realized by using different Appraisal resources. Within Attitude system, negotiators tend to use affect and judgment resources to realize the interpersonal  meaning  of  interacting  and  establishing  or  maintaining  relations; appreciation  resources  are  mainly  employed  to  realize  the  intention  of  express viewpoints.  Under  Engagement  system,  negotiators  prefer  to  use  Heterogloss resources rather Monogloss resources. Moreover, people use dialogic contraction less than  dialogic  expansion.  When  language  user  tends  to  influencing  people’s  attitude and  negation  people’s  idea,  the  resources  of  dialogic  contraction  are  widely  used. When he tends to interact with the other and encourage people to bring more ideas to the conversation, dialogic expansion resources are more widely chose. While referring to  the  realization  of  interpersonal  meaning  through  two  subsystems  of  Graduation, focus  values  occur  more  frequently  than  force  value.  According  to  the  statistics provided  in  Chapter  Four,  negotiators  tend  to  use  Graduation  resource  to  realize  the interpersonal  meaning  of  influencing  people’s  attitude  or  behavior.  It  is  probably because  business  negotiation  always  happens  based  on  clear  business  goals,  thus negotiators  use  force  raising  words  to  volume  up  the  kernel  part  and  use  focus sharpening words to magnify positive attitude. 
