Secondly, through the analysis of business negotiation in Chapter Four, interpersonal meaning can be realized by using different Appraisal resources. Within Attitude system, negotiators tend to use affect and judgment resources to realize the interpersonal meaning of interacting and establishing or maintaining relations; appreciation resources are mainly employed to realize the intention of express viewpoints. Under Engagement system, negotiators prefer to use Heterogloss resources rather Monogloss resources. Moreover, people use dialogic contraction less than dialogic expansion. When language user tends to influencing people’s attitude and negation people’s idea, the resources of dialogic contraction are widely used. When he tends to interact with the other and encourage people to bring more ideas to the conversation, dialogic expansion resources are more widely chose. While referring to the realization of interpersonal meaning through two subsystems of Graduation, focus values occur more frequently than force value. According to the statistics provided in Chapter Four, negotiators tend to use Graduation resource to realize the interpersonal meaning of influencing people’s attitude or behavior. It is probably because business negotiation always happens based on clear business goals, thus negotiators use force raising words to volume up the kernel part and use focus sharpening words to magnify positive attitude.