Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Interpersonal Meaning
The person who first proposed the concept of interpersonal meaning is Bakhtin in 1929. According to Bakhtin (1984), meaning does not reside in the word or in the soul of the speaker or in the soul of the listener. Meaning is the effect of interaction between speaker and listener produced via the material of a particular sound complex (p. 103). It can be seen that Bakhtin pointed out the importance of the interactive aspect in meaning construction.
From Halliday’s (1978) perspective, he views language system as a “meaning potential” (p. 112). To be more specific, interpersonal function is regarded as an interdictor of the speaker’s meaning potential. By using this function, speaker can express his/her attitudes and judgments, and try to influence other people’s attitudes or behaviors.
Thompson (2000) holds that interpersonal meaning is the one that language is used to interact with other people, to establish and maintain relations with them, to influence their attitude or behavior, to express their viewpoints (p. 28).
2.2 Notions of Appraisal and Evaluation
Appraisal is a label within SFL which is used for collecting semantic resources. These resources are used for evaluating people, behaviors and things (Attitude), for adjusting our stance to what we evaluate (Engagement), and for up-grading or lowering the degree of appraised things (Graduation). Thompson and Hunston (2000) view evaluation as a broad term employed by language users to express attitude or stance towards, viewpoint on, or feelings about the entities or propositions that he or she is talking about (p. 5). To compare Appraisal and Evaluation, both of Appraisal and Evaluation are concerned with the relationship between language and speech. However, Appraisal focuses more on discourse analysis and Evaluation is a concrete notion for the encoding of interpersonal meanings. To sum up, Appraisal provides a framework for analyzing evaluation in discourse.
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework and Methodology..................13
3.1 Development of Appraisal Theory...............................