

日期:2021年11月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1112
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111131514473448 论文字数:28666 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Space Model......................... 22

5.1.1  Assumptions of the Context-deictic Space Model ........................... 22

5.1.2  Configuration of the Context-deictic Space Model ........................... 23

5   Results and Discussion

5.1  Construction of Context-deictic Space Model

Based  on  the  characteristics  of  the  two  models  mentioned  in  previous  sections,  this investigation  introduces  the  context  model  of  CDS  into  the  Deictic  Space,  constructing  the Context-deictic  Space  Model. As  one  of  the  most  efficient  visualization  tools  in  CL,  deictic space model can overcome the deficit of the context model in visualization. In doing so, social cognition represented by the context model in mental space can be visualized in Deictic Space.

5.1.1   Assumptions of the Context-deictic Space Mode

In the present study, the author proposes a new model from the perspective of CCL based on above mentioned theoretical background[58]. On the one hand, as has been mentioned, the context model, as a significant representation of social cognition, acts as a medium  between discourse and social structure. Application of this model to political discourse has yielded new insights into CCL[61]. On the other hand, Deictic Space Model provides an excellent insight into the spatial visualization of political discourse and unveiling the hidden ideological conflicts in discourse, such as the relationship between the ‘self’ and the ‘other’. The thesis aims to advance above  theories  by  combining  the  context  model  with  the  Deictic  Space  Model  in  order  to visualize the context model and the abstract cognitive process.

Fig. 2.2   Categorical Schemata for the context model

Fig. 2.2   Categorical Schemata for the context model


6   Conclusion

6.1  Major Findings

In recent years, the relations between China and US have undergone the greatest challenge since  the  two  countries  established  diplomatic  ties  in  1979.  The  cooperation  and  exchanges between these two super powers are even at the edge of disruption, which to a large extent is attributed to the escalating Sino-US trade tensions. 

Under the guidance of Critical Cognitive Linguistics, the research discusses the  shifting position of ‘China’ constructed in three Trade Policy Agendas released during the presidency of Donald Trump, and unveils the true policy orientation of the Trump administration towards China. Based on three Agendas released from January, 2017 to December, 2019, the following findings s are obtained in present research. 

In the first place, for more-in-depth visualization of China’s position in the Agenda, the research is conducted with a proposal of a novel mental model, that is, the Context-deictic Space Model, which bases itself on integrating context model and Deictic Space Model. The reasons for  integrating above two models are as  follows: firstly, the context model, originating  from socio-cognitive perspective of Critical Discourse Analysis, has been widely used as an effective mental  model  for  its  operability  in  socio-cognitive  analysis  of  political  discourse  by  many scholars. However, the spatial relations between discourse participants in the context model can be  hardly  presented  in  its  current  hierarchical  structure.  Secondly,  derived  from  Cognitive Linguistics,  Deictic  Space  Model  is  considered  as  a  promising  visualizer  of  position  of discourse