

日期:2021年11月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1112
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202111131514473448 论文字数:28666 所属栏目:语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


2.2  Context Model

To represent the social cognition, a series of mental models including experience model, event model, situation model and context model have been introduced into the socio-cognitive analysis of discourse[12]. The context model is a type of mental models, while the latter comes from  psychology.  The  concept  of  mental  model  was  first  proposed  by  Johnson-Laird[29]. Johnson-Laird[29]  posits  mental  models  as  theoretical  entities  necessary  to  explain  how  both explicit and implicit inference is possible. Mental models “play a central and unifying role in representing objects, states of affairs, sequences of events, the way the world is, and the social and psychological actions of daily life”[29]397. Generally, in psychology, the mental model aims to  solve  the  ‘inference’  issue,  which  is  more  closely  related  to  logical  mode  and  formal semantics. However, when this psychological concept was introduced into discourse analysis by  van Dijk  and  Kintsch[30],  mental  model  is  regarded as  psychological correction to formal methods  in  discourse  comprehension.  In  contemporary  cognitive  psychology,  mental representations of situations are called  mental  models (ibid.). In other words, mental  models are cognitive representations of our experience[12]61. 

The mental model is both unique and personal. When people construct discourse events based on mental  models, these  models are not  completely  objective and unified,  but varying from  person  to  person.  It  is  worth  noting  that  people  with  similar  social  and  cultural backgrounds often produce similar mental models when constructing discourse events, but this similarity  cannot  deny  individual  differences  and  personal  preference  in  the  construction process.  The  individual  differences  do  not  affect  the  hierarchical  structure  and  main implications  of  mental  models  since  the  models  are  restricted  by  certain  external  objective factors  and  context,  for  example,  a  particular  environment,  identity  group  and  institution  in discourse. The individuality and subjectivity of mental model explain that this model not only presents the facts observed by discourse participants, but also certain viewpoints and emotions behind discourse. For example, when we read news and stories about the Wenchuan earthquake or current COVID-19 pandemic, we not only construct an individual version of these discourse events,  but  also  form  an  evaluative  judgment  or  common  viewpoint.  And  these  evaluative judgements are based on the common feelings of human beings. In doing so, mental models are often regarded as representations of our past experiences, and our experience will be stored in some way in episode memory, is a kind of long-term memory.

Fig. 2.1   Situation Schemata for the Situation Model

Fig. 2.1   Situation Schemata for the Situation Model


3  Theoretical Framework......................... 18

4  Methodology ........................................... 19

4.1   Instruments and Materials................................ 19

4.2   Procedures................................... 21

5  Results and Discussion ................................ 22

5.1  Construction of Context-deictic