2.2.1 Behavioral Studies
In behavioral studies, the embodied effect has been investigated in two paradigms: ACE and motor priming paradigm.
(1) Action-sentence Compatibility Effect
ACE refers to the processing advantage of matching response direction and the direction indicated by action-related language over the mismatching response direction and the direction indicated by action-related language [9]. More concretely, in ACE experiment design, participants process the action-related language indicating a body movement away from or toward their body (e.g., open/close the drawer or You/Sam give a pizza to Sam/you). After understanding action-related language, participants are asked to judge whether the processing action-related language is sensible by pressing one from two keys in the vertical direction on a button box. It has been found that RTs are shorter in meaning-action matching condition than that in the mismatching condition [9]. Theoretically, IH can offer a reasonable explanation for ACE in action-related language processing. On the ground of IH, language processing is made up of three steps: index, affordance and mesh. Index means that people find a referent in the real world based on language. For example, in the sentences “I give a pizza to Sam”, pizza can be found its referent in the outside world. Secondly, the affordance is to match the available functions of the referent in the outside word. Finally, under the guidance of grammatical rules, readers integrate the objects and persons together by specific actions. In a nutshell, processing action-related language, language comprehension is grounded in body movements and experiences, as a result, when the bodily movement direction implied by action-related language matches the direction of the participants’ response, RTs is relatively shorter compared with that in the mismatching condition.
3 Methodology .......................... 19
3.1 Participants ............................. 19
3.2 Design .................................... 19
3.3 Materials ..................................... 19
4 Results ......................... 23
4.1 Results of the Test Phase ....................... 23
4.2 Results of the Post-test ..................