

日期:2021年01月08日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1419
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202101061104196794 论文字数:36966 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

3.2 Velutha’s Transformation of the Hierarchy Stereotypes················· 43

3.3 Twins’Construction of Inclusive Intersubjectivity························48

Chapter Three The Creation of New Life Forms

3.1Ammu’s Establishment of Female Free Life Space

In the novel, Ayemenem is not only a concrete spatial presence but also ahistorical space that reproduces western hegemony and the local systems of privilege.While connecting the past and the present, a powerful and robust system is formed. Itgenerates an infinite social force that permeates all levels of social life, regulating andtaming all individuals within it by institutional coercion. The novel asks that attentionbe paid as well to “the legacy of Western imperialism and late-twentieth-centurytransnationalism, but the dark borders erected in the ‘‘heart’’ of India – the laws oflove and touch that regulate relations between genders and castes within thenation”(Friedman 203). There is likewise a spatial depiction of the opposite in thenovel. They belong to those who are at the bottom of the powerlessness. Theseawakening rebels strive to construct their own space of existence and, in doing so,confront the old power system, challenging and even overstepping the boundaries ofthe established system of power. The most iconic of these is female Ammu. In TheGod of Small Things, Ammu is imprisoned at the bottom of patriarchy. But instead ofsuccumbing to this irrational social system, she breaks down the insurmountablephysical boundaries and creates a free existence for women that rivals the space ofpublic power.



The God of Small Things has attracted worldwide attention for its poeticnarrative, the structure of “flow of consciousness”, and its profound and realisticmetaphors. Through her linguistic mastery, Roy’s portrayal of the daily lives of thesmall things in the Ipe’s family examines Indian society during the difficult transitionperiod at the beginning of independence in the 1960s, vividly demonstrating thecomplex social context in which patriarchy, caste system, post-colonial and capitalistglobalization are intertwined. In The God of Small Things, Roy reveals the drawbacksof India by portraying the neglected and humble things like Ammu, Velutha, and thetwins, calling and guiding the common man to tap their spiritual strength for freedomand equality in society.

Drawing on Deleuze’s analytical theory of schizophrenia, this thesis elucidatesheterogeneity and vitality of marginalized people from the perspective ofdeterritorialization involving three aspects: the confinement of the social system, thestruggle to break through social constraints and the creation of new life forms. Suchmarginalized people have been out of their imagination and quest for freedom underthe control of the state machines. And through constant escape and activedeterritorialization, new space of individual emancipation has been opened, which inturn has contributed to the transformation of social institutions.
