

日期:2018年06月17日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2722
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201806162116128404 论文字数:37485 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background and Significance
Psychological studies suggest that some sort of motivation is the motives andstrength that inspire people to engage in some certain activities. Foreign languagelearning motivation that directly promotes foreign language learning is the internalmotivation. Foreign language learning motivation is also a learners’ conscious andpositive mental state in the learning activities and it is an important non-intelligencefactors affecting learning outputs. In the 1970s, linguists Jakobson(1960) notes that themain factors affecting language learning are: motivations accounting for 33%, abilitiesaccounting for 33%, intelligence accounting for 20% and others accounting for 14%.Many domestic studies have also demonstrated the importance of learning motivationsthat improve foreign language learners’foreign language proficiency.Yin Bingjiang(殷炳江,2003:103) points out that infants and young childrenappear to be propelled by curiosity, driven by an intense need to explore, interact with,and make sense of their environment. Unfortunately, as the children growing, theirpassion for learning seems to shrink frequently. Learning often becomes associated withdrudgery instead of delight. All the students are present in the classroom but most ofthem are absent-minded; they fail to engage themselves fully in the experience of theirlearning. Zhang Hong(张虹,2009:136) points out that in one way, motivation is wheresomeone(perhaps a team leader) causes someone else (a team member) to act in acertain way. In another way, it appears that motivation is something that someone usesas a motive for doing things. Students’ motivation naturally has to do with students’desire to participate in the learning process. But it also concerns the reasons or goalsthat underlie their involvement or noninvolvement in academic activities.

1.2 Research Innovation
In the previous studies, the researchers focus more on the sorts and theclassifications of the learners’ English learning motivations. Some researchers find outsome strategies of English teaching for the teachers and English learning for the learners.Most of the researchers theoretically propose some methods of English teaching andlearning. There are not a lot of researchers who pay attention on the empirical study oflearners’ English learning motivations. This thesis does the empirical studies of the middle school students’ English learning motivations and according to the previousstudy and interviews to the students, the author has designed three interventions to seewhether they are effective. From the studies and interviews, the author also gives somesuggestions of English teaching and learning to the teachers and students.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 StudyAbroad
Many scholars classify motivations and point out their features. In early stages, language learning motivation researches are mostly the studies of Gardner andLambert(1972), and they are also the important scholars who make the greatestcontribution to language learning motivations. To a large extent, a number of otherresearch models are subject to their influence and largely maintain social psychologyperspectives. Gardner(1985) classifies the foreign language learning motivations intotwo parts: instrumental motivation and integrative motivation. The former shows morepractical values such as getting scores or getting jobs, while the latter means that thelearners want to contact more about the culture and people of the target language and beaccepted by them and it is the main concept of Gardner’s theory, which includesmotivation, integrity and learning attitudes.The criticism for Gardner who studied foreign language learning motivationfocuses on three aspects. Firstly, many researchers believe that Gardner’s foreignlanguage learning motivation model is so powerful and