

日期:2018年06月17日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2722
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201806162116128404 论文字数:37485 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
perfect that hinder the existenceand development of other models and theories. Secondly, Gardner’s foreign languagelearning motivation model only points out the causal relationship between languagelearning motivation and achievement, but not clearly proves what was causing what.Last, Gardner’s foreign language learning motivation model is mainly considering theinfluence of the social environment of language learning motivation, but not pay enoughattention to foreign language learning motivation under the circumstances of school andclassroom education. Although Gardner and Lambert’s theories are criticized by manypeople, they are undoubtedly the most influential language learning motivationresearches.

2.2 Study at Home
Chinese scholars have also conducted a number of foreign language learningmotivation researches. Our researches on foreign language learning motivation began inthe 1980s. Hua Huifang(华惠芳,1998:44) thinks that it seems not appropriate enoughor comprehensive enough for Gardner and Lambert to put motivations into instrumentalmotivation and integrative motivation. From the perspective of Chinese languageeducation, she proposes that 80% Chinese learners’ motivation belongs to certificationmotivation that is used to deal with the tests in order to get the certificates for languagelearners in language learning. And they rarely consider the training of communicativeabilities and interpersonal skills, which leading to the result of the students who get thehigh marks but lack of abilities. Ma Ruifang(马瑞芳,2003:46) claims that learners’learning motivations are determined by many factors and what factors affect learningmotivations most is the learners’ attitudes. Attitudes can help learners to reflect onlearning and to some extent, the sense of achievement can improve learners’ learning motivations. Ma Guanghui(马广惠,2005:37) points out that motivation includes themotivation of getting achievement and motivation of avoiding failure and that is,motivation is related to the expectations of success or failure. Wen Qiufang(文秋芳,2001:105) points out that the relationship between motivation, ideas, strategies is ofhigh stability after making an investigation of the characteristics of English learners.Motivation has influence on ideas and strategies while ideas also affect strategies.

Chapter Three Research Methodology..... 19
3.1 Research Questions ....... 19
3.2 Subjects........ 19
3.3 Research Methods ......... 20
3.4 Research Procedures...... 20
Chapter Four DataAnalysis of English Learning Motivations........ 23
4.1 Questionnaire..... 23
4.2 Data Processing....... 26
4.3 CorrelationAnalysis...... 34
Chapter Five Research Design of Three Interventions......... 37
5.1 Learning Situations Intervention..... 37
5.2Achievement Intervention ......... 41
5.3 Social Responsibilities Intervention...... 46
5.4 Summary...... 48

Chapter Five Research Design of Three Interventions

According to the data analysis in Chapter Four, it can be concluded that moststudents have the achievement motivations and their main English learning motivationsare the achievement motivations. And also the students who get lower marks show thehigher motivations in achievement motivation. As to learning situation, students whohave the different conditions show a little different in learning motivations. Fewstudents pay attention on the social responsibilities motivations. Interventions of socialresponsibilities may be effective to motivate their sense of social responsib