representation of Liheci fromusers’ perspective for language production?(4) What are the possible ways to better CFLDs’ representation of Liheci?In order to reveal the basic characteristics of Liheci and uncover error patterns inCFL learners’ language production, corpus-based analysis, error analysis, andcontrastive interlanguage analysis will be adopted, and two corpora are examined inthis paper, that is, BCC and HSKDCC. In order to explore deficiencies of therepresentation of Liheci in existing CFLDs, four dictionaries are studied in this paper,namely, Modern Chinese Dictionary (MCD), A Dictionary of the Usage of CommonChinese Separable Word (DUCCSW), The Commercial Press Learner’s Dictionary ofContemporary Chinese(CPLDCC), and A Chinese-English Dictionary - A BasicDictionary for Chinese Language Learning (CED). Based on research findings fromthe above-mentioned studies, possible ways are proposed to the application ofConstruction Grammar to the representation of Liheci in CFLDs.
2.1 Studies from the Perspective of Chinese Linguistics
Liheci is a common but challenging linguistic phenomenon for CFL learners in that,not only can it be used as a word, but other morphemes can be added in between toform a phrase. Since it brings great difficulties to CFL learners’ language acquisitionand their language performance, lots of studies about Liheci have been done.Since linguistic research may shed much light on pedagogical lexicography, wewill briefly introduce some relevant studies of Liheci from the perspective of Chineselinguistics, for instance, its grammatical properties, its classification, its identificationprinciples, its extending modes and roles, its origin, and its pragmatic use.Grammatical properties of Liheci depends on how we define it, in other words,whether it is a word, or a phrase, or something else. Generally, there are four differentopinions about its grammatical properties.Some researchers think that Liheci is a word (Lin Handa 1953; Li Qinghua 1983;Zhao Shuhua & Zhang Baolin 1996). Lin Handa (1953) came up with the name of“compound verbs” to refer to Liheci, which consists of a verb and an adjunct. Havinganalyzed 355 verb-object constructions from The Outline of Chinese Vocabulary (TheOutline for short), Zhao Shuhua and Zhang Baolin (1996) maintained that Liheci is aword other than a phrase, but they are different from common words because of itsexpandability. To sum up, they hold that Liheci should be regarded as a particular kindof word whether it is used separately or not. And the expandability of a combiningform cannot be viewed as the only criterion between word and phrase.
2.2 Studies from the Perspective of CFL Teaching
Liheci is an integral part of Chinese language. Based on our analysis in BCC, it can befound that Liheci is a common linguistic phenomenon in Chinese language, especially,in its spoken language. Native speakers may find Liheci less difficult to comprehendbecause of their language intuition, but CFL learners lack such intuition in theirlanguage production. According to data recorded in HSKDCC, various errors havebeen committed in CFL learners’ production of Liheci. Therefore, it should be givendue attention in CFL learning and teaching. However, due to a lack of systematichanding, Liheci remains a weak point in CFL teaching and a great difficulty in CFLlearners’ language acquisition.With the development of Chinese language and Chinese linguistics, studiesconcerning Liheci are carried out not only from the linguistic perspective but from theperspectives of CFL teaching as well. Generally, scholars agree that the negativetransfer of learners’ mother tongue and the over-ge