

日期:2018年02月02日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2265
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201608041719397396 论文字数:36289 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter One   Introduction 

1.1 Research Background  
Nowadays,  communication  between  different  languages  is  very  common.  The soaring of intercultural communication is leading to the appearance of global village. The term was originated in the 1970s, referring an closer relationship among nations and  races.  As  a  member  of  the  ‘global  village’,  China  has  actively  participated  in international society.In addition, as a developing country, it is eager to introduce more advanced knowledge, ideas and concepts to its citizens. Also, Chinese people want to know  more  about  the  outside  world.  In  this  way,  E-C  news  translation  is  needed  in great amount. Many scholars are interested in studying E-C news translation so as to provide  useful  guidance  for  translators.  However,  translation  studies  in  the  past usually start from the authors’ self experience and are prone to subjectivity. There is still huge room for the development of translation studies. Language  is  combined  with  opinions  and  attitudes.  When  the  speaker  or  writer makes an utterance, he never gives out neutral expressions but suggesting his position and stance. Hence, an important part in the  process  of  communication  is  the  express of  evaluation.  Researchers  have  realized  the  importance  of  studying  evaluative resources  but  most  of  them  focus  on  the  features  of  evaluative  resources  in  different genres within a single cultural context (Ksrner, 2000; Hood, 2004; Wang, 2002, 2004, 2010;). Communication  between  two  languages  is  an  unique  form  of  expressing evaluative  resources.  Evaluative  resources  refer  to  the  semantic  resources  used  to negotiate emotions, judgments, and valuations alongside resources for amplifying and engaging with these evaluations (Martin, 2000, p. 12). It is noticed that the evaluative resources sometimes changed when the source text is translated to the target language. Although  a  translator  is  required  to  convey  the  ideas  of  the  speakers  faithfully, accuracy could only be realized to some extent.

1.2 Research Purposes  
As  studies  on  evaluation  are  mostly  explored  in  uni-cultural  contexts  and translation  studies,  involving  two  culture,  are  less  studied  in  evaluative  resources  in translation. In addition, the demand of E-C news translation is increasing. Taking all these into consideration, this thesis taps into the following questions: a. Are there any differences in the distribution of evaluative resources in source texts  and  target  texts  in  terms  of  Bednarek’s  six  core  parameters?  If  there  are differences, what are they? b. What are the reasons for the differences in terms of evaluation? c. What insights can be drawn for translators from the analysis of the evaluative expressions in the E-C news translation? d.  What  reflections  and  improvements  can  be  made  to  Bednarek’s  parameter framework? In order to achieve this purpose, authentic translations are selected as materials. These  translations  are  generally  regarded  as  good  translations.  This