nbsp;not only lies in the improvement in examination, but also in acquisition of English language itself. In Chinese English learning classroom, the most widely used method in grammar teaching is explicit information guiding with mechanical output practice. Based on the previous research, the present research possesses the following characteristics: In theory, this research introduces the traditional instruction which is output-oriented and input processing instruction under perspective of foreign language motivation. The comparative study is conducted by the designed experiment. Taken the previous studies’ limitation into consideration, this research attempts to shed some lights on the further theoretical study of SLA. In practice, this research aims at providing some beneficial suggestions on English grammar teaching in Chinese English teaching classroom. With the consideration of Chinese unique English learning context, the research is expected to improve grammar teaching instruction. In addition, the research calls some attentions on improving grammar teaching. The target language item is English subjunctive mood. The subjunctive mood (SM) is one of the special forms of the finite verb in English grammar and also the most confused grammar format to the students when being tested. In China, grammar teaching is still limited in using traditional teacher-centered instruction. This research aims at provide some applications on English grammar teaching in the front line. In a word, the research compares the differences between the Input Processing Instruction and Traditional Instruction under foreign language learning perspective. It aims at enrich English grammar teaching theory and provides theoretical suggestions for SLA .
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Foreign Language Learning Motivation
As one of the most essential and complicated factors and individual differences among foreign language acquisition, motivation provides the initiate impetus to learning, which also driving force to maintain language learning process. Over these years, many researchers and educators have done a lot of studies both at home and abroad. Over the past thirty-five years, the most significant motivation study has been implemented in Canada by Gardner and Lambert at Mc Gill University. Their studies carried out in the framework of social psychology, whose emphasis lies in social attitudes, learners’ values, and the motivation of learner’s besides of learner factors and the learning outcome. Because of the inherent complexity of motivation, there are no consensuses has been made on the meaning in definition, which also put forward a numerous variety of theories and approaches. Motivation is a term used to define a certain kind of internal or external driving force in human or subhuman being