

日期:2018年02月06日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1516
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201607310958406693 论文字数:37262 所属栏目:英语语言学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

1.1 Background  
Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is one of the greatest poets and novelists in Britain. He experiences  two  centuries  and  writes  a  number  of  works,  which  include  long  novels, short novels and poems. Athenaeum reviews that Mr. Hardy is perhaps the most vigorous of all the novelists who have appeared within the last two years; his powers of description, his  skill  in  dividing  ‘situations’,  his  quaint  humor,  secured  him  a  high  place  among novelists  of  any  age  (Pobert,  1986).  No  one  has  ever  achieved  so  great  a  success  as Thomas  Hardy  in  describing  country  (Williams,  2005).  Virginia  Woolf  considers  the death of Thomas Hardy leaves English fiction without a leader (1928).  Far from the Madding Crowd published in 1874 is the first novel that gains Thomas Hardy great fame and wealth in his life. It tells us a love story about Bathsheba a beautiful young girl with great capability and vanity. There are three admirers of Bathsheba in this novel Gabriel Oak, Mr. Boldwood and Sergeant Troy. They all love Bathsheba. Gabriel Oak is  described  as a young warm-hearted, of sound judgment, easy motions farmer. He runs  a  small  farm  by  his  own  hand  at  first  and  when  all  his  sheep  die  he  works  for Bathsheba. Mr. Boldwood is a rich farm owner. His farm is next to Bathsheba’s, and he falls in love with Bathsheba when he got the trick Valentine's Day letter from Bathsheba. Sergeant  Troy  is  a  rhetoric  person.  He  cheats  the  love  of  Fanny  Robin,  and  causes Fanny’s  death.  He  marries  Bathsheba  and  leaves  Bathsheba.  He  comes  back  when Bathsheba starts her new life again. He is killed by Mr. Boldwood in the end. All these three admirers whether rich or poor, whether  rhetoric or without any words, show their love to Bathsheba in their own way. Of the whole story, request conversations become the most interesting part.  

1.2 Methodology 
By making an analysis of the request conversation based on politeness principle in Far from the Madding Crowd, the thesis wants to find out the preference  of  each  maxim used  in  each  admirer’s  request  conversations  for  one  thing;  and  prove  functions  and significance of the  politeness principle in creating and appreciating literature works for another. Thus two questions have been proposed:  First, which maxims have been used in the three admirers’ request conversations?  Second, what characteristic is reflected by their use of each maxim in their request conversations?  In order to solve these two problems, two kinds of research methodology have been used. First, quantitative analysis has been used to collect the maxims that applied in their request  conversations.  Second,  qualitative  analysis  has  been  used  to  detect  the characteristic of each admirer by analyzing the maxims they used in their conversations. 


2.1  Previous  Studies  on  Thomas  Hardy  and  Far  from  the  Madding Crowd  
Hardy is a productive writer. He writes 20 long novels and 900 poems in his life. He is honored as the “Shakespeare in English Fictions” (G.Q. Wang, 2005). Over a hundred years,  researches  on  Thomas  Hardy