
渤海大学教育硕士开题报告范文-《The Application of Cooperative Learning in Large-classComprehensive English Course for English Majors 》

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2458
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201112081115267756 论文字数:8988 所属栏目:教育硕士开题报告
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:开题报告 Proposal
<p>本论文选题的国内外研究概况和<A href="http://www.51lunwen.org/guojifa/2011/1206/lw201112062052503221.html" target=_blank>发展趋势</A><BR>    Cooperative Learning (CL) is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.<BR>Studies Abroad<BR>Cooperative Learning in education is not something new under the sun. CL has a rich and long history. Thousands of years ago the Talmud stated that in order to learn, one must have a learning partner. As early as the first century, Quintillion argued that students could benefit from teaching one another. The Roman Philosopher Seneca advocated CL through such a statement as “Qui Docet Discet” (when you teach, you learn twice). Johann Amos Comenius (1592-1679) believed that students would benefit both by teaching and by being taught by other students. In the late 1700s Joseph Lancaster and Andrew Bell made extensive use of CL groups in England, and the idea was brought to America when a Lancastrian school was opened in New York city. In 1806 within the Common School Movement in the United States, there was a strong emphasis on CL. Certainly, the use of CL is not new to American education. There have been periods in which CL had strong advocates and was widely used to promote the educational goals of that time.<BR>In the mid 1960s, D. W. Johnson and R. J. Johnson, two pioneers of CL, set up a CL center in the University of Minnesota, training teachers to apply CL to their teaching, exploring the nature and factors of CL by analyzing related research, building up the theoretical framework of CL, and turning these theories into concrete strategies and practice that can be used in class. They made great contribution to the progress of CL for they directed the research on CL in a scientific, systematic way, which enables CL to go ahead with a solid basis.<BR>From the late 1960s to the mid 1970s, the researchers on CL began to pay more attention to theoretical questions of CL. They got enlightened from some teaching practice and seeked for theoretical foundations from social psychology. In this case, some strategies on CL were formed initially, such as “Teams-Games-Tournament” designed by Slavin at that time. From the mid 1970s to the mid 1980s, they proposed some effective strategies on CL from all kinds of experiments. The theories of CL have been more and more mature, and the impact of CL has been increasingly expanded, which formed a very prospective teaching school. Most of CL strategies were put forward in this period, such as “Student Teams Achievement Division” designed by Slavin, “Jigsaw” designed by Aronson and then revised by Slavin, “Group investigation” devised by S. Sharan in Tel Aviv University of Israel and his wife Y. Sharan, and “Learning Together” by Johnson brothers.<BR>In 1990, R. Slavin, the professor in Johns Hopkins University made 99 comparisons of CL and other control groups in a review of classroom research on academic achievement in elementary and secondary schools, which revealed that the overall effect of CL achievement was clearly positive because 63 of comparisons significantly favored CL and only 5 comparisons significantly favored the controlled group.<BR>In CL, students generally work together in face-to-face groups. They spend large amounts of time engaging in discussion and assisting one another in understanding. “This type of peer interaction increases opportunities for meaningful communication about academic content in low-anxiety contexts” (Jacob, 1996). Besides, Smith stated that CL emphasized the development of c