渤海大学教育硕士开题报告范文-《The Application of Cooperative Learning in Large-classComprehensive English Course for English Majors 》
论文用途:开题报告 Proposal
ritical thinking by discussion, debate and group work (1996). As Ghaith said, “language acquisition is determined by a complex interaction of a number of critical input, output, and context variables” and CL “has a dramatic positive impact on almost all the variables critical to language acquisition” (Ghaith & Yghi, 1999). According to Johnson, Johnson, and Stanne (2000). CL was actually a generic term that refers to numerous methods for organizing and <BR>conducting classroom instruction. Almost any teacher could find a way to use CL that was congruent with his or her philosophies and practices.</P>
<p>Studies in China<BR>Compared with the researches on CL carried out abroad, domestic study is much later and limited in a sence. The systematic research on CL in China began in the late 1980s, made considerable progress in the mid 1990s, and entered a relatively mature period at the beginning of 21st century.<BR>Because CL is still a very new concept to Chinese educational field, some educators are eager to introduce it. Articles about theoretical bases, techniques, and advantages of CL have been published. Guo Shiming (1999) in his article “The Theories and Skills of CL and the Reform of EFL Teaching” described in full detail kinds of theories based on which different skills and techniques of CL are formed. Xu Maoyun (2000) summarized six merits in using it, according to the characteristics of CL. <BR>Li Ruozi (2000) and Wang Qian (2001) also made an account of how to practically use CL in class, elaborated cooperation among learners and introduced some specific examples of CL to show the efficient classroom instruction.<BR>Wang Tan (2003), a scholar in Shandong Education and Research Institute, translated and published a great number of works on CL, which played an important role in the development of CL in China.<BR>Many other educators and teachers have also done a lot of research on CL. These researches have proved that CL can provide a more relaxing and better language environment, stimulate students’ motivation and improve their academic achievement.<BR>The present shortage of English teachers and the increase of students made small English class teaching impossible and large-class teaching an inexorable trend in many universities. The characteristics of large-class English teaching are following: First, teaching effectiveness is influenced. Many effective classroom activities carried out in small classes may now lose their effectiveness in large classes. Second, teaching environment is restricted. Students have to sit in a large classroom, where they sit in straight rows facing the teacher, who does most of the talking; and where students and teacher share a common first language, the talking tends not to be in English. In that case, the students will lose learning interest. Third, teaching model isn’t suitable for the demands of modern English learning. The method adopted for large-class teaching can only be the traditional teacher-centered, lecture-like one. The frequent teacher-student interaction will decrease significantly owing to the limitation of time and the super-size of the class. The result is undoubtedly the lack of communication, lack of dynamic activities, students' indifference, absence and so on. Fourth, teaching management is difficult. Teachers feel much harder to remember the students’ names and respond to the students as individuals. At the same time, the noises from the crowded students sitting in the classroom will always divert part of the teachers' attention to maintain the order of the class. Considering the language learning features and the present ineffective large class teaching method, the author is thinking of implementing CL to large-class Comprehensive English Course.</P>
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