

日期:2018年08月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1310
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201807191801361911 论文字数:39986 所属栏目:国际贸易论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

本文是一篇国际贸易论文,笔者认为中国消费者十分喜爱榴莲,尤其是泰国榴莲。2010 年至今, 中国一直是泰国最重要的榴莲市场,市场需求量大,并仍然可以接纳大量的水果。榴莲出口中国的主要问题就是质量,尤其是软榴莲,除此之外还存在船运成本呈现上涨趋势,缺少集装箱来调整温度以保证质量等问题。

Chapter One: Correlation Theory andAnalysis Model

1.1 Theoretical Thought

1.1.1 Absolute Advantage

While explaining the theoretical thought of absolute advantage, Adam Smithnoted that the trade between two countries was formed due to different absoluteadvantages of two economic partners, for example: when the production efficiency ofThai's durian is higher than China, the Thai's durian production has absoluteadvantage. But the efficiency of Thai's machine production is lower than China, soChina has an absolute advantage in terms of machine production. It indicates that twocountries have absolute advantages in different types of products can gain more profitthan countries with higher production efficiency, as they can trade part of the productsproduced by the country for another kind of product, and then sell it to othercountries. Through this method, the resources of the two countries can be moreeffectively utilized, and the total output of each category of each commodity alsoincreases. The significant increase in the quantity of products produced by the twoproducts is benefited by the division of labor between countries. All of this is justempty talk if international trade doesn’t exist.


1.2 ModelAnalysis

1.2.1 SWOTAnalysis

Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats

SWOT analysis is an assessment of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities andthreats of the enterprise itself. It includes analysis of the external environment(opportunities and threats) and the internal environment (strengths and weaknesses).

External environment analysis (opportunities and threats)

1) Opportunity refers that the enterprise itself can search for favorable opportunitiesfrom the external environment. Enterprises need to predict changes in the externalenvironment, as these changes will also change the consumer demand and strategicdirection.

2) Threat refers to problems arising from adverse cases, which will cause reducedsales and profits. If there is no preventive measures, enterprises must adjust thestrategic direction or market measures in order to adapt to the actual situation andsolve various threats.

Internal environment analysis (strengths and weaknesses)Internal environmental analysis refers to the assessment on enterprise’s strengths andweaknesses. After an enterprise understands its own strengths and weaknesses, itshould look for favorable opportunities, in order to develop its strengths to thegreatest extent; and look for ways to solve its own weaknesses and develop the marketstrategies. It is necessary to analyze the internal and external environment factorswhile developing the marketing strategies.


Chapter Two: Development of Thai's Durian Export MarketSituation

2.1 Domestic Market development of Thai's durian

2.1.1 Thai’s Durian Production Situation

Durian is the king of fruit in Thailand, planted in various areas of Thailand. The largestplantingareaisthe southwithduriantree plantingarea ofupto351,183Lai.The secondis the central (including the east) in Thailand with durian tree planting area of 303,529Lai, the north is 29,242 Lai, the northeast is 2,628 Lai. In the analysis of durianproduction, the central (includingthe east)productionwasupto343,776tons,followedby 239,513 tons in the south, 16,923 tons in the north and 1,672 tons in the northeast.Chantaburi is the largest province which has the largest durian planting area and thehighest durian yield in Thailand (with the planting area of 197,143 Lai and the outputof 234,514 tons). Through the sale and export, durian production brings huge profits tothe farmers and the country every year.

Thailand is the country with the world's largest durian production. Top five durianproduction areas in Thailand are as followings: Chantaburi, Chonburi, Rayong, Yalaand Nakhon. Through the analysis of farmers'