

日期:2021年07月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:971
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202107101523137863 论文字数:51252 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter Ⅰ Introduction

1.1 Research Background

In English teaching, the activity of reading & writing is one of the key ways tocultivate students’ core literacy of English. Reading is a meaningful way to collectinformation, understand the world, develop mind and gain aesthetic knowledge.Writing is the process of transforming thought into language symbols. It is not only anactive communication activity but also a thinking activity. Training students’ writingskills can also improve students’ thinking and expression skills. Reading and writingare interdependent and inseparable. English writing ability is an essential reflection oflearners’ comprehensive English level. Writing an English composition requiresstudents to have a rich vocabulary, excellent logical thinking ability. The junior highschool stage is the urgent period to cultivate students’ interest in writing and lay agood foundation for their learning ability. The English curriculum standard for SeniorHigh School (2017 edition) (from now on referred to as the Curriculum Standard) alsodefine the objectives and detailed English writing standards in junior high schoolsfrom top-level design.

So far, some researchers in the domestic and overseas have paid attention to theimportance of English writing and conducted theoretical and empirical studies fromdifferent levels. They consider that reading and writing can complement and promoteeach other. The “reading-to-write” method emerged as the times require and has beenwidely used in English writing teaching (Yang Yongzhen, 2010; Shao Jinrong, 2014;Xie Fang, 2019, Etc.). The study of lexical chunk theory is often combined withEnglish writing for research. Nevertheless, there are few studies that focus on theintegration of lexical chunk theory and the “reading-to-write” method, and it isnecessary to carry out a study on the application of the “reading-to-write” methodbased on the lexical chunk theory in English writing teaching in junior high school.


1.2 Research Purpose

The purpose of this thesis is to study whether the “reading-to-write” methodbased on the lexical chunk theory is conducive to upgrading students’ English writing competence and discuss its effectiveness in English writing teaching in junior highschools. On this foundation, whether it can increase students’ writing interest,promote the interaction between teachers and students, and be beneficial to Englishwriting teaching in junior high schools. Using questionnaires to determine thestudents’ acceptance of the “reading-to-write” method based on lexical chunk theoryand their writing attitude before and after the experiment, students’ compositions andwriting scores before and after the experiment were collected analyzed. Finally, some

English writing competence is a comprehensive embodiment of the four skills oflistening, speaking, reading, writing, and a process of the output of the acquiredknowledge. The quality of output is one of the most crucial criteria for evaluatingstudents’ English proficiency. However, the current situation of English writingteaching in China is not optimistic. The application of the “reading-to-write” methodbased on the lexical chunk theory in teaching English writing in junior high school isof great theoretical and practical significance.


Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Relevant Concepts

2.1.1 Definition and classification of lexical chunk theory

In 1950, Miller G. A. proposed that by processing a single unit of information, itcan form a larger unit of information, called a chunk, which is also translated intoChinese as “cí kuài” or “yǔ kuài.”

Becker advanced the concept of prefabricated chunks in 1975. He believed that