

日期:2021年07月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:971
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202107101523137863 论文字数:51252 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
te” method. Some students think that writing acomposition is to build up the sentences in the text; Some students think that as longas the sentence is listed according to the writing requirements, it is an article. Somestudents think that the most crucial thing in writing is correct grammar, proper use ofwords, and correct spelling. Others think that we should pay attention to the content ofthe writing. However, few students pay attention to the structure, logic, and coherenceof the text.

5.1.1 Analysis and test on reliability and validity of questionnaire

Reliability refers to the reliability of a test scale. Cronbach α indicates thereliability index. The Cronbach α coefficient is between 0 and 1, when Cronbachα>0.7, the reliability of the data is high.

Validity refers to the degree of validity and accuracy that a measurement toolhopes to measure a specific behavior characteristic. The data sample uses KMO andBartlett sample measures to test the validity of the data and whether it is suitable forfactor analysis. When the KOM test value is greater than 0.7 and the significant valueof Bartlett’s sphericity is less than 0.05, the scale is considered valid.

Table 5-1-1 Analysis and test on reliability of pre-questionnaire

Table 5-1-1 Analysis and test on reliability of pre-questionnaire


Chapter Ⅵ Conclusions

6.1 Major Findings

In this study, 45 students in a grade nine class from a junior high school inLianyungang were selected as the research subjects, and a 16-week teachingexperiment was conducted to apply the “reading-to-write” method based on thelexical chunk theory in English writing teaching in junior high school, the conclusionsare as follows:

1. The application of lexical chunk theory in English writing can significantlyimprove the use of lexical chunks in English writing. Cultivating students’ awarenessof lexical chunks in class can help students input, accumulate and export lexicalchunks, which can help students to write English on the basis of lexical chunks andimprove the accuracy of lexical chunks, and the integrity of writing content. At thesame time, after writing training, students’use of lexical chunks is different. The mostfrequently used lexical chunks are high frequency collocational, followed by word &poly-words, sentence frames, and heads, while the least used is institutionalizedexpressions.

2. By analyzing the data from the questionnaire, we can see that the teachingexperiment has dramatically reduced the problems in the students’ written expressionand alleviated the students’resistance and fear of English writing. Writing is no longera teacher-mandated task, and students begin to have the confidence and interest tolook forward to writing. As discussed by Wong Jing (2019), students’intrinsic interestin language learning is one of the most important factors to stimulate their motivationand drive, significantly influencing the degree of involvement and the actual effect oflearning.
