

日期:2021年07月20日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:971
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202107101523137863 论文字数:51252 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
chunks refer to an extraordinary multi-vocabulary phenomenon between traditionalgrammar and vocabulary, usually fixed or semi-fixed modular chunks. It is nottemporarily generated based on grammar and logic, but a conceived language material,stored in memory and copied in actual communication. Learners can modify or addparts of the word directly as a prefabricated block (Wang Peifu, 2010). The concept oflexical chunks has become the focus of second language studies. Many linguists givedifferent names to lexical chunks from different perspectives, such as “Chunk,”“Idiomatic chunks,” “Lexicalized sentences stems,” “Lexical phrases,” “Lexicalchunks,” “Formulaic sequences,” “Mufti-word items,” “Semi-fixed phrases,” and soon. These names all embody a common feature of lexical chunks: the unity of formand semantic conventionality. Researchers have consistently described lexical chunksas having different lengths but more fixed grammatical forms and meaning, includingmulti-word words, longer lexical chunks, and sentence frames that can be filled in.Michael Lewis (1993) defined lexical chunks as: “Lexical chunks are composed oftwo or more words or word forms, which are continuous or discontinuous. They allowmore abstract units than words to appear. They have a certain frequency of use,relatively complete structure, can express certain meanings, and have a psychologicalreality.”.


2.2 Related Research on Lexical Chunk Theory

2.2.1 Previous studies in English writing teaching abroad

Foreign scholars have done much research on applying lexical chunk theory inteaching and have made a series of achievements. Linguists have found that almost90% of natural texts consist of fixed or semi-fixed units, usually consisting of a few words (Sinclair, 1991). These units are considered the most minor and mostappropriate communication units in language processing (Hogarth, 1998). Therefore,lexical chunks, to some extent, are very suitable for English writing teaching.

Kaplan (1996) compares L2 learners with native speakers in English writing andfound that L2 learners express more implicitly in their writing, while native speakersexpress more directly in their writing, reflect a different way of thinking. Secondlanguage learners tend to use more non-sentence-based lexical chunks to make thewriting more logical and complete.

Research by Uzawa Cumning (1989) shows that students have a limitedvocabulary in the classroom, so they do not choose more thematic descriptions in theactual operation of English writing. The main reason is the limited vocabulary in mindmakes students unable to find the proper sentences and phrases to express themselves.

Read (2000) elaborates on the application of lexical chunks to vocabularyexpression in writing. The research suggests that the lexical expressions involved ingood writing meet the following requirements: diverse lexical expressions rather thanrepeated use of the same word; high frequency of actual words; and fewer phrasecollocations and spelling errors.

Figure 2-2-1 Keywords with the Strongest Citation Bursts

Figure 2-2-1 Keywords with the Strongest Citation Bursts


Chapter Ⅲ Theoretical Framework ................. 29

3.1 Krashen’s Input Hypothesis.........................29

3.2 Swain’s Output Hypothesis..................31

Chapter Ⅳ Research Methodology........................ 34

4.1 Research Questions ........................................34

4.2 Research Subjects and Experimental Textbook ..........................34

Chapter Ⅴ Results and Discussions..................... 45

5.1 Results and Discussions of Questionnaires ...................................45

5.1.1 Analysis and Test on Reliability and Validity of Questionnaire .............................45

5.1.2 Analysis on the Results of the Questionnaire............................51

Chapter Ⅴ Results and Discussions

5.1 Results and Discussions of Questionnaires

The experimental class students have different views and problems about writing,lexical chunks, and the “reading-to-wri