

日期:2020年12月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2041
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202012242127492944 论文字数:43211 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

本文是一篇初中英语教学论文,本研究旨在探讨多模式PPT在英语教学中的应用现状、多模式PPT的多种模式以及制作和使用多模式PPT存在问题的原因。首先,多模式PPT在初中英语教学中的应用现状是积极的。(1) 大多数英语教师掌握了制作多模式PPT的基本技能,如插入图片、文本、音频、使用不同颜色和字体大小以及在不同类型课程中使用多模式PPT的技巧;(2)大多数英语教师都能恰当地使用多模式PPT;(3) 教师和学生对多模式PPT辅助英语教学持积极态度。他们认为,与传统的教学方法相比,多模式PPT具有许多优点,如通过真实的材料提供真实的情境,吸引学生的注意力,方便学生知识的输入和输出;(4)在制作和使用多模式PPT时存在互动性差、不易理解、不易理解等问题,黑板设计不当,多模式PPT信息过多,色彩搭配与模式搭配不协调。

Chapter I Introduction

1.1 The Background of Research

Nowadays, every aspect of life enjoys a great prosperity with the advancement ofinformation technology. Computer is widely used in different fields such as art, businessand education. Early in 1990s, New London Group (1997) put forward the term“multiliteracy.” They (1997) state that the purpose of language teaching is the cultivationof students’ multiliteracy. The definition of multiliteracy is extended to the comprehensionof information conveyed by various symbolic resources. Furthermore, one of the mainpoints in New National English Curriculum Standard of Junior High School (2017) is thatteachers should make full use of different types of curriculum resources especially for theinformation technology resources. Multimodal PPT, an integration of information andtechnology, contains various symbolic resources and adapts to the educationaldevelopment.

The word or the text, a kind of monomodality teaching style, can not satisfy students’learning needs at present. It is necessary and urgent for us to explore various teachingstyles and adopt abundant teaching resources in order to satisfy students’ learning needsand heighten teaching efficiency. Multimodal discourse analysis arose under suchcircumstance and satisfied teachers’ and students’ needs. Multimodal discourse analysis isbased on the Halliday’s Systemic Functional Linguistics. It refers to the phenomenon ofusing various senses such as auditory, visual and touch senses to present and conveymeaning through different kinds of semiotic symbols such as the language, image, sound,gesture and so on. An increasing number of scholars conducted researches on themultimodal discourse analysis theory. They find that the integration of multimodaldiscourse analysis and multimedia “PPT” can facilitate the development of Englishteaching.


1.2 The Significance and Purpose of Research

When we refer to the significance of this research , we have to talk about it from twoaspects: the theoretical aspect and practical aspect. Firstly, we will describe thesignificance of the research from the theoretical aspect. At present, the multimodal PPT isfrequently used in English teaching. The application of multimodal PPT is based on themultimodal discourse analysis theory. Zhang Delu (2009) pointed out that there is not asound multimodal discourse analysis theory system. The application of multimodal PPT inEnglish teaching should be further explored. Furthermore, there are 232 relevantresearches about multimodality and language teaching. There are 166 documents aimed atthe university students. There are 76 documents aimed at the middle school students. Itmeans that the research of multimodal PPT in middle school language teaching should befurther explored. So it is necessary for us to probe into the multimodal PPT assisted teaching in order to provide theoretical guidance for the application of multimdoal PPT andenrich the multimodal discourse analysis theory.

Then we will talk about the significance of research from the practical aspect. Firstly,this study can help teachers know more about the present status quo of making and usingmultimodal PPT in junior high school English teaching. Furthermore, it can provide anguidance for teachers to deal with some existing problems and improve their proficiency ofmaking and using multimodal PPT. Moreover, this study can stimulate teachers’understanding for the multiple modes used in the multimodal PPT and help teachersflexibly use multiple modes in making multimodal PPT.


Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Definition of Ke