

日期:2020年12月26日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2043
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202012242127492944 论文字数:43211 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
y language includes tool and environement. Thecommon tools are PPT, internet, laboratory and assonance.

Table 4-2 Teachers’Levels of Making Multimodal PPT


Chapter III Research Methodology............................17

3.1 Research Questions.............................17

3.2 Research Subjects..........................17

3.3 Research Instruments.............................17

Chapter IV Results nd Discussion..................................21

4.1 The Status Quo of the Application of Multimodal PPT in EnglishTeaching............................................21

4.1.1The Use of Multimodal PPT in Different Types ofLessons..........................21

4.1.2Teachers’ Levels of Making Multimodal PPT in EnglishTeaching.......................22

Chapter V Conclusion...................................44

5.1 Major Findings.............................44

5.2 Implications of Research....................45

Chapter IV Results and Discussion

4.1 The Status Quo of Application of Multimodal PPT in EnglishTeaching

Multimodal PPT, a combination style between information and technology, hasenjoyed a great popularity in teaching. So it is of necessity for us to know about the statusquo of making and using multimodal PPT in English teaching. The status quo of makingand using multimodal PPT mainly emphasizes the following four aspects: the use ofmultimodal PPT in different types of lessons, teachers’ levels of making multimodal PPT,the use of multiodal PPT in English teaching and suggested problems of existed in usingmultimodal PPT.

4.1.1 The Use of Multimodal PPT in Different Types of Lessons Results of the Questionnaire

Table 4-1 The Use of Multimodal PPT in Different Types of Lessons


Chapter V Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings

We can draw the conclusion that multimodal PPT has the unparalleled meritscompared with the traditional teaching method. Then the concrete findings of the researchwill be presented in the followings.

Firstly, the status quo of the application of the multimodal PPT in junior high schoolEnglish teaching is positive. (1) Most of English teachers master the basic skills of makingmultimodal PPT such as the skills of inserting pictures, text, audio, using different colorsand font size and using the multimodal PPT in different types of lessons; (2) Most ofEnglish teachers can appropriately use the multimodal PPT; (3) Teachers and students takepositive attitudes towards the multimodal PPT assisted English teaching. They think themultimodal PPT has a great many merits compared with the traditional teaching methodsuch as providing real context by showing authentic materials, attracting students’ attention,facilitating students’ knowledge input and output; (4) There are some problems existed inmaking and using multimodal PPT such as the less interactivity, inappropriate blackboarddesign, excessive information in the multimodal PPT, inharmonious color collocation andmode collocation.

Secondly, teachers always use following multiple modes in the multimodal PPT suchas the combination modes of visual mode and visual mode, the combination modes ofvisual mode and audio mode and the combination modes of visual-audio mode and visualmode. (1) The combination modes of visual mode and visual mode are always shown inthe way of combination of text, color and font size, the combination of text and picture, the combination of text and graph; (2) The combination modes of visual mode and audio modeare always shown in the way of the combination of text recording and the text; (3) Thecombination modes of visual-audio mode and visual mode are always shown in the way ofthe the combination of film and text. The multiple modes exert a positive influence onEnglish teaching and learning. Teachers should select appropriate multiple modes inmaking multimodal PPT based on students, teaching objectives and teaching content.
