

日期:2020年04月19日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2310
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202004171045013401 论文字数:49988 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter OneIntroduction

1.1 Background of the Study

In the increasingly competitive era, the booming development of informationtechnologies accelerates the spread of knowledge, which draw more and more attentionto autonomous learning. With the current reform of education in China, it is still abuzzword. According to the New English Curriculum Standard (2017), the developmentof individualized learning ability and the autonomous learning ability has beenhighlighted. Under the scientific guidance of teachers, independently analyzing,exploring and achieving learning objectives are of great importance. That is to say,students should be guided to change the passive learning methods and to monitor andadjust their learning objectives, methods and process. At the same time, the applicationof modern information technologies should be highly valued to enrich the Englishlearning resources and enhance the efficiency of English learning. According to thecharacteristics of English learning in the information environment, the moderneducational technologies support and service functions for teaching and learning oughtto be given full play to broaden the learning channels and to promote effective learningof students and the development of their core competencies. Therefore, it can be easilyseen that in the era of big data new requirements have been put forward for combiningthe development of students’ autonomous learning awareness with the application ofhigh technologies.


1.2 Purpose of the Study

The advanced development of economy and society puts higher requirements onthe cultivation of talents than before; educators and experts pay more and more attentionon the aspect of students’ learning, especially the students’ autonomous learning.However, researches show that a fairly large number of students in junior high schoolslack of autonomy in their learning. Fortunately, e-portfolios, as an effective evaluationtool, provide a best space for students to assess the learning progress and analyze theirown learning problems. And increasing scholars and experts have paid much attentionon the application of portfolios in the educational field in recent years, especially on theteachers’ training as well as vocational education. With the advancement of informationtechnologies, traditional portfolios have been replaced by e-portfolios due to thefeatures of convenience and omnipresence. Therefore, this study based on theconstructivism learning theory and functional linguistic theory apply the e-portfoliosinto senior junior high schools students’ English learning to promote students’autonomous learning after class. As we all know, owing to the pressure of the collegeentrance examination, many senior junior high schools students have been affected bythe exam-oriented system for a long term. Most of them passively accept what theirteachers teach. Few chances are provided for them to reflect their learning process.Nowadays, high technology has been widely used into the education field. Manylearning apps have been provided to students and students’ learning e-portfolios basedon those apps not only recorded students’ learning process but also gives the instantfeedback about students’ learning situation, which create a space for students to reviewand assess their learning situation. This study will demonstrate how to applye-portfolios in senior junior high schools English learning and explicate the progressmade by students in the autonomous learning from four aspects, including students’learning interest, comprehensive learning knowledge, the development of students’autonomy in learning and teachers’ self-reflection on English teaching assisted byE-portfolios. Application of e-portfolios caters to students’ interests and offers