

日期:2020年04月19日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2310
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202004171045013401 论文字数:49988 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
cept theknowledge. New experience can emerge based on the previous experience and thenassimilate into the structure of the previous experience, that is assimilation; On the other hand, as for the accommodation, the entering of the new experience makes the previousstructure changes to deal with new situation, which partial adjust or totally transform it .


Chapter Three Methodology····························· 31

3.1 Research Questions····················· 31

3.2 Research Participants································ 31

3.3 Instruments··························32

Chapter Four Results and Discussion····························45

4.1 Students’ Learning Interest···································· 45

4.2 Comprehensive Knowledge Application Ability························ 50

4.3 The Development of Students’Autonomy in Learning·····························52

Chapter Five Conclusion··························· 65

5.1 Major Findings····························· 65

5.1.1 The Advantages of E-portfolios Compared with Traditional Portfolios··66

5.1.2 The Application of E-portfolios in Junior High School ··················· 66

Chapter FourResults and Discussion

4.1 Students’ Learning Interest

In order to ensure the validity and reliability of results, the questionnaire has beentested by the method of calculating Cronbach’s value. The following results can beobtained by testing the scales of the scales by SPSS. The total performance reliabilityCronbach’s Alpha is at the level of 0.946. The reliability level of the questionnairemeets the standard >0.9, which is at a high level of confidence and can be used for thenext step.

Table 4.1 Responsive statistics

The questionnaire used in this research has been tested with the measurementtools that have been empirically tested by previous scholars. When using factor analysisto test validity, it is necessary to have a strong correlation at first, which is reflected intwo test indicators: 1, KMO value, 2, Bartlett spherical test value. The validity of thesurvey scale is as follows,

Table 4.2 KMO and Bartlett's Test


Chapter FiveConclusion

5.1 Major Findings

This paper first provided the definition of e-portfolios and then comparede-portfolios with the paper-typed portfolios. After that it analyzed the research status ofe-portfolios in foreign countries as well as in China on the one hand while offereddefinition and current researches of autonomous learning and listed the affecting factorson the other hand. According to the constructivism learning theory and socioculturaltheory, the author applied the e-portfolio to the English learning of one regular class inone junior high school. Then the specific procedures of applying e-portfolios wereexplained in details that include the preliminary preparation, specific implementationand the record forms from e-portfolios collected by the author. In order to analyze theprogresses of students in e-portfolios, research instruments including questionnaires,tests, interview were used in this study. Two regular classes from NO.7 Yu cai MiddleSchool Ginkgo Campus participated in this research. The two classes were taught by thesame English teacher. That class using e-portfolios acted as the experimental class whileanother class as control class. In this research, 45 students from the experimental classwere guided to use e-portfolios, All data, collected through questionnaires, tests,observation and interviews, were analyzed to prove that the application of e-portfoliosin English learning in junior high school can promote students’ autonomous Englishlearning. In this research, the author analyzed and summarized the effect of applyinge-portfolios, which included interest in learning, comprehensive knowledge ability, thedevelopment of learners’ autonomy in learning as well as teachers’ self-reflectiontowards English teaching. It had to mentioned that e-portfolios in this research werebased on two English learning apps including Yiqi and PIGAI . And these two apps from the aspects of listen