Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background
Grammar is a necessary part in language learning. Without grammar, there will not be asystematic understanding of language as no rules the expression will be confused. The grammarteaching has been playing an important role in the EFL and the ESL. Through many years,grammar teaching has always been a vital topic for the scholars and teachers in the research ofsecond language acquisition. In the past few years, the hot issue of grammar teaching is thatwhether grammar should be taught explicitly or implicitly in English class. In the year of 1980,the most popular English grammar teaching method was the grammar translation method, thegrammar translation method pays much attention to the language form and sentence, the teacheronly explains the grammar items in detail and deductively and then the students are asked to dothe related grammar exercises, at last the teacher checks out the answers. This kind of grammarteaching method is called the explicit grammar teaching. But the grammar translation method gotcriticized later because the grammar translation method only emphasized the grammar rules. Thestudents knew the grammar rules, but they could not express themselves fluently, their spokenEnglish was poor. So there comes the direct method of grammar teaching, the implicit grammarteaching. In the direct grammar teaching method, it claims that the students need to offer theauthentic English material to learn English and there is no need to explain the grammar rules, forexample we do not know the grammar rules of our mother language but we can speak our motherlanguage very well. Students can benefit from either explicit grammar teaching or implicit grammar teaching but neither of them can both guarantee the accuracy and fluency of thelanguage.
1.2 Research Significance
It always makes the English teachers confused when coming to meet so many kinds ofteaching methods. The English teachers in China find themselves in a difficult situation inEnglish grammar teaching, the explicit teaching of grammar or the implicit grammar teaching.The English grammar teaching method is getting to one extreme to another. When some kind ofEnglish grammar teaching method becomes popular, many English teachers come to use the newteaching method and they almost totally give up the previous teaching method. In the actualsituation of China, English is taught as foreign language. When students leave school they do notspeak English to communicate with each other and English is only used in the English class atschool. Neither of the English teaching method can be both fit for fluency and accuracy. Explicitgrammar teaching method has long been used in English class in China so English grammar hasbeen taught explicitly. When the students come to English class the grammar is explained indetails without authentic use in communication. After explaining the grammar, students will beasked to do as much as practices to consolidate the grammar item they learn in class.
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Explicit Teaching of Grammar
This period is about the general review of the explicit grammar teaching method and theimplicit grammar teaching method. This chapter would offer the relevant research theory for thecurrent research. There are two grammar teaching methods, one is the explicit grammar teachingmethod and the other is the implicit grammar teaching method. The explicit grammar teachingmethod means that the teachers explain the grammar rules by details and then ask the students todo the pattern drills to practice the grammar. The advantage of the explicit grammar teachingmethod is that the students can have a clear understanding of the grammar item. But thedisadvantage of the explicit grammar teaching is so obvious that the students only know thegrammar items but they do n