2.2 Implicit Teaching of Grammar
This period is about the general review of the implicit grammar learning and the implicitgrammar teaching. This period would offer the relevant theory for the current research. One isthe explicit grammar teaching method and the other is the implicit grammar teaching method.The implicit grammar teaching method means that the teachers do not explain any pieces of thegrammar rules and the teacher would offer more materials like cartoon and pictures to make thestudents to touch the authentic language grammar through the communication in these materials.After doing that students would conclude the grammar rules by themselves and at most theteacher would give some instructions to the students. The advantage of the implicit grammarteaching is that the students can have the chance to feel the authentic use in everyday use oflanguage. But also the disadvantage of the implicit grammar teaching is so obvious that there isnot a clear and total understanding of the grammar for the learners.
Chapter 3 Methodology ......... 24
3.1 Research Questions ...... 24
3.2 Subjects ........ 24
3.3 Instruments ........... 26
3.4 Research Procedure ...... 28
3.5 Data Collection and Analysis....... 35
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion......... 36
4.1 Results .......... 36
4.2 Discussion .... 44
Chapter 5 Conclusion..... 47
5.1 The Main Findings ....... 47
5.2 Limitation of the Research ........... 48
5.3 Suggestions for the Future Research.... 49
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion
4.1 Results
This part was about the results of the questionnaire, pre-test and post-test. The authorwould collect and analysis the results of the questionnaire, pre-test and post-test for the followingdiscussion at the basis the results.Question 1, “The grammar plays an important role in English learning” most of thestudents in the Experiment Class (EC) and Control Class (CC) agreed that the grammar was animportant role in English. But these two classes showed the different motivation. As whenanswered the question 29 students (96.7%) in the Experiment Class (EC) and 27 students (90%)in the Control Class (CC) gave the positive answer.Question 2, “The feelings of grammar class are boring and almost no use” 2 students(6.67%) in the Experiment Class (EC) gave the positive answer while 21 students (70%) in theControl Class (CC) gave the positive answer. The results of Question 2 showed that the studentsin the Experiment Class (EC) considered that the grammar was not a burden and the grammarlearning experience was not awful. They wanted to learn the grammar well in order to improvetheir English for the future study.
In this chapter, the results of the experiment finished and the detail analysis ofthese data have already been given. Based on the results and analysis, we can easilyfind that the mean score of the Experiment Class (EC) is higher that of Control Class(CC) in the post-test. From the whole experimental, the following findings can beconcluded in the study.First, the combination of explicit gramm