

日期:2018年04月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2028
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201601201116198785 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Present Study
Reading is a way to get information and communicate with others. Now our society ismarked with knowledge explosion. Reading is the most convenient way to take in foreignadvanced technology and knowledge. In the informational emerging of the world, the readingplays an important position in the development of the learners. English as an internationallanguage, it builds the bridge to communicate with the world.According to the reform of Ministry of Education in 2001, an instructional file waspassed and acted as the national standard of English curriculum. In this file, it was clearly statedthat teachers should improve students’ comprehensive quality. The teaching objective of Englishwas to cultivate a helpful atmosphere for students so as to make the learners study English ontheir own initiative. Besides, the teachers should keep cultivating students’ ability to observe, tomemorize, to think, to imagine and create. At the same time, they should increase students’awareness of the cultural difference between East and West; enlarge their vision, cultivate theirpatriotic spirit; and help them form healthy views about life in the end.English reading reflects the all-round capability of students in English learning, and itwas the first and foremost input sources. From the perspective of learning, reading is thefoundation of speaking, listening and writing. The students usually read all different kinds ofEnglish books, magazines or something else in order to enrich their “speech feeling”, throughthis way, they can improve their reading competence gradually, improving backgroundknowledge and inspiring their thoughts. Finally, reading will cultivate the junior high schoolstudents’ English reading abilities completely. In modern times, the English reading part takes up30 points of the total 120 points of exams. It indicates that English reading plays a considerablerole in exams. Therefore, paying more attention to English reading is essential and important.

1.2 Purpose of the Present Study
Scaffolding Instruction teaching has been used in plenty of foreign countries on a largescale in the last few decades. However, in China, the scaffolding English teaching was just on thestage of elemental level. Its application in China was not very common. In EFL, the studies werefocused on the application of the English reading class; there were only a few studies to clear anddefinite which kind of reading competences will be improved through scaffolding instruction.The Scaffolding Instruction has already been used in English teaching for a long time, but someresearches were emphasized on its feasibility while ignored how the Scaffolding Instructioninfluenced students’ reading ability and affected which English reading parts. So this study waswanted to clear the particular influences of Scaffolding Instruction in English reading of juniorhigh school. After the studies, the author wanted to achieve the goal that the junior high schoolstudents were developed in answering the detail questions and main idea questions, even theword guessing questions and Inference questions and so on. Then the author wanted to promotethe students’ critical reading ability and increase the percent of the right answer.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Teaching methods reflected whether the teaching activities follow the objective laws or not.Beyond that, it can verify the teaching behaviors. Under the guidance of the educational theoriesor teaching methods, the students and activities can form an orderly, systema