

日期:2018年06月04日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1672
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512281116466009 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Study
Because of the new revolution of the English examinations in the collegeentrance examination, many people say that English is no longer as important asbefore. However, as it is said by the English education experts, English becomes moreand more important and the English examination requires more and more abilities ofpractical use. That means we should pay more attention to the English teaching andlearning instead of ignoring it.No matter in English or Chinese vocabulary is the fundamental component oflanguage. Without the vocabulary, no one can speak, read, listen or write. Accordingto Wilkins(1978) very little can be conveyed without grammar, nothing can beconveyed without vocabulary. According to Harmer(1983) compare language tohuman body, language structures are the skeleton, while vocabulary is the vital organor flesh. Also Harmer proposed that if words were not used, grammar structure is notable to express meaning. From all these the importance of vocabulary can be seenclearly. As second language learners who learn or use English as second languageperhaps most of us have similar experience that when we read passages, if the keywords of the passage that turn up with a repetition while we do not know the meaningof the key words. We have to face the embarrassing fact that we can not understandthe passage clearly, we can not catch the main idea of the passage; we have no chanceto understand what the passage is talking about. And in terms of writing and speaking,this is also true, when second language learners or users want to express something inwriting or speaking in English, the most challengeable problem is to choose theappropriate word. Therefore, if one wants to express oneself or understand others,without vocabulary neither can be acted.

1.2 The Significance of the Study
Since vocabulary learning is one of the most fundamental elements of languagelearning, the studies about vocabulary learning and teaching have been much morefocused on in the area of applied linguistics and vocabulary learning and teachinghave become the central part of linguistic research since 1970s. In the process ofsecond language learning, more and more researchers began to pay attention to theimportance of vocabulary learning. Researchers treat vocabulary as the key to the language learning process. Students who learn English may complain that it isdifficult for them to remember the new words. Many teachers are trying to solve thisproblem, but that is not an easy problem because there is not an effective or widelyaccepted way. Therefore, it has become an urgent task to find a more proficient wayfor English vocabulary teaching and learning.The Dual Coding Theory has been applied to first language teaching and it is apart of the cognitive psychology. Western experts have done a large number of studieson DCT in their native language environment. However, in the foreign languageenvironment, few studies have been made. In China researchers mainly focused onthe relationship between DCT and English reading. The application of DCT toEnglish reading have been conducted by Cheng Xiaoguang, Liang Haiying. Theapplication of Dual Coding Theory to the vocabulary teaching and learning in middlejunior high school is much necessary, especially in the rural junior high school whichis developing at a low speed. The study is significant and worth studying.On one hand, in terms of theory, the study maybe will enrich the research onthe DCT to EFL teaching in China. On the other hand, in terms of practice, the DCThas not yet been fully researched and this study may give researchers and scholarssome inspiring insights on Dual Coding Theory and vocabulary teaching.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Dual Coding Theory
Dual Coding Theory i