

日期:2018年06月04日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1672
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512281116466009 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
s put forward by Paivio(1971) in 1970s. The basic DCTassumption is that there are two subsystems for decoding our experience, one systemdealing with language and the other system carrying out nonverbal objects and events.The theory is based on the general view that cognition consists of the activity ofsymbolic representational systems that are specialized for dealing with environmentalinformation in a manner that serves functional or adaptive behavioral goals. This viewimplies that representational systems must incorporate perceptual, affective, andbehavioral knowledge.General model of DCT shows the verbal and nonverbal systems includingrepresentational units and their referential and associative interconnections, as well asconnections to sensory input and response output systems.From Table 2.1, the verbal stimuli and nonverbal stimuli comes from theenvironment. Both stimuli are observed by the sensory systems. There existsrepresentational connection between logogens and sensory systems. And also therepresentational connection exists between imagens and sensory systems. Thelogogens or imagens are directly activated by the environment verbal or nonverbalstimuli.

2.2 Relative Theories
Dual coding theory belongs to cognitive psychology, and DCT is closelyrelated with memory. As a result, cognitive psychology and memory includingshort-term memory and long-term memory will be illustrated in this part.How human mind learns and thinks is the main focus of cognitive psychology.The interests of cognitive psychologists lie on the human mental process involving inlearning. Actually, in terms of information processing U. Neisser does many studiessince 1967.According to U. Neisser, cognitive process is the process of awareness,attention, and memory. Namely, memory, attention and perception are the mainfactors which information processing theorists are interested in. According to ZhaoYanfang, the new method to study cognitive information processing theory issupported by the cognitive psychology. The environmental information is taken in andstored for later use. The process is illustrated in Figure 1:

Chapter 3 Research Methodology.....29
3.1 Research Questions.........29
3.2 Subjects.........30
3.3 Instruments....30
3.4 Teaching Procedures.......34
3.5 Data Collection andAnalysis......41
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions......44
4.1 Results........,........44
4.2 Discussion....51
Chapter 5 Conclusion....57
5.1 Major Findings....57
5.2 Pedagogical Implications.......58
5.3 The Limitations of the Study.......59
5.4 Suggestions for Further Study.....60

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

To prove the positive effect of the application of DCT to vocabulary teaching,the author designs the DCT training of vocabulary learning. The training aims toimprove the vocabulary size and level of the students in the experimental class. Thenthe data are collected the results are analyzed carefully by the author. In this chapter ,the results and discussion will be showed in detail.

4.1 Results
During the procedure of the study, questionnaires, experiment and an intervieware used to answer the research questions. The items in the questionnaire are objective.To guarantee the study scientific, the results of the experiment including pre-test,post-test and delayed-test are typed into a computer. The data of tests are analyzedwith SPSS19.0. Also the author recorded the results of interview and analyzed theresults.