
英译中翻译论文:行为(翻译行为理论)Action (theory of 'translatorial action')

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2992
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201706161509297078 论文字数:6218 所属栏目:翻译其他论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
text. In making this decision, the transla¬tor cannot be guided by the source text alone, but must research, in addition, the target cul¬ture's conception of the subject matter, of text classes and of genres. The textual profile of the target text is determined by its function, and whether this is or is not similar to the textual profile of the source text can only be estab¬lished through systematic translatorial analysis. The translator, as an expert communicator, is at the crucial centre of a long chain of communi¬cation from the original initiator to the ultimate receiver of a message, and is thus situated within the wider social context. The model takes account of the relationship between trans¬lator and client as well as the relationship between translator and original writer, and between translator and reader. The ethical responsibility of the translator is seen to derive from his or her status as an expert in the field of transcultural message transfer, because only translators with the requisite expertise can succeed in producing a functionally adequate text (professional profiles are discussed in Holz-Manttari 1986: 363ff.). This has clear consequences for the training of translators.
Holz-Manttari's main aim is to specify the factors that guide translatorial action, conceived as professional text production. An action is determined by its function and pur¬pose, and its outcome, too, must be judged by these criteria. The purpose of the translatorial action process is to produce a message trans¬mitter (Botschafistrager) that can be utilized in superordinate configurations of actions (Handlungsgefiige) whose function is to guide and coordinate communicative, cooperative action (Holz-Manttari 1984: 17).
In the process of translatorial action, texts act as message-transmitter compounds (Botschafistrager im Verbund) of content (Tektonik), structured according to function and represented by formal elements (Textur). A source text is a text to which a translation initiator, a client, has assigned, primarily or secondarily, the function of serving as source material for translatorial action. A target text, to be used either by the translation initiator or by some other user, is the outcome of a trans¬lation expert's translatorial action.
The notion of function is central in two respects. On the one hand, it forces the transla¬tor to embed the product of translatorial action in a complex situation of human needs. On the other hand, it forces the translator to embed translatorial action in the social order, i.e. in a society organized by a division of labour. The main roles in a translation process are played by one or more persons or institutions. The roles include the initiator, the commissioner, the text producer, the translator, the target-text "applicator" and the receptor, and each role is highly complex.
The translator is the expert whose task it is to produce message transmitters for use in transcultural message transfer. To do this, the translator must, at a particular place and at a particular time, produce a particular product for a particular purpose. The translator's actions must be informed by suitable data, and must be carried out according to specifically negotiated conditions. Finally, the process must be completed by a deadline. Translatorial action therefore involves not only the transla¬tor as translat