
青蒿素研究的思想起源Idea Sources of the Artemisinin Research ——葛洪自然哲学思想综述Summary of Ge Hong’s natural philosophy

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:937
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201706031504153498 论文字数:7262 所属栏目:翻译其他论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
青蒿素研究的思想起源Idea Sources of the Artemisinin Research
——葛洪自然哲学思想综述Summary of Ge Hong’s natural philosophy

[Abstract] Based on the successful discovery of artemisinin by Chinese female scientist Tu Youyou who won the Noble Prize in physiology or medicine and who is inspired by Ge Hong’s Zhouhou Beiji Fang, this article introduces Ge Hong’s natural philosophy from its ontology, epistemology and dialectics by starting with the family background, life story, historical background and theoretical background of the formation of Ge Hong’s philosophical thought, and then carries on the comprehensive appraisal to its natural philosophy thought and points out its scientific contribution as well as the historical limitation.

1 引言 Introduction

Among the winners of the 2015 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine, Chinese scientist Tu Youyou attracted worldwide attention by her discovery of artemisinin that can fight malaria. During the research of antimalarial effects on Artemisia annua, Tu Youyou was inspired by Ge Hong’s Zhouhou Beiji Fang and then changed the extraction methods, thus successfully obtained activated artemisinin.Ge Hong established a solid foundation for the establishment of the immortal Taoism system and the outer Dan.He formed his own Taoist philosophy system in his book Bao Pu Zi which is of great importance in the history of Taoism, natural history of science and philosophy. Besides, Ge Hong is also a religionist, an ancient scientist and a rationalist theist. Many of his scientific thoughts are worth researching by later generations. Ge Hong's philosophy still has great inspiration and new research value to contemporary scientific thought.

2葛洪自然哲学思想形成的时代背景historical background of the formation of Ge Hong’s philosophical thought
3葛洪自然哲学思想形成的理论背景theoretical background of the formation of Ge Hong’s philosophical thought
4葛洪自然哲学思想的主要内容The main contents of Ge Hong's natural philosophy thought
4.1 “玄”、“道”、“一”的本体论思想 ontology thought of mysterious, Tao and integration
4.2 葛洪的认识论思想 Ge Hong’s epistemology thought
4. 3  葛洪的朴素辩证思想Ge Hong’s simple dialectical thought
5葛洪自然哲学思想的历史地位及其贡献The historical position and contribution of Ge Hong s philosophy of nature
5. 1对科学方面的贡献Contribution to science
5.2对哲学方面的贡献Contribution to philosophy
6葛洪自然哲学思想的局限性Limitations of Ge Hong's natural philosophy

7结语 Conclusion


China’s Wei and Jin dynasties are accompanied by a flood of philosophers with rich thoughts.Most of their thoughts cover a wide range of ideas and Ge Hong is one of the philosophers who have the distinctive feature. His works range from medicine, chemistry, philosophy, politics and literature.This thesis just chose one philosopher's thought in Wei and Jin dynasties and part of his thoughts as the object of study.The other value of the study is that the research of Ge Hong’s philosophical thoughtcould open the research of other philosophers’philosophical thought in Wei and Jin dynasties, or the further understanding and explorationof the philosophical thoughtduring this special historical period.