

日期:2018年02月13日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3039
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201006061103328209 论文字数:40365 所属栏目:电子政务论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
    第一部分 陈述了研究此课题的意义,研究的内容,写作的思路以及文章的创新点。
    第二部分 具体对电子政务的概念、内容、特点、功能等方面进行了全面的介绍。着重介绍并比较了主流电子政务绩效评估模式。近年来,许多研究机构、咨询公司和学者对电子政务绩效评估展开了深入的研究和实践,并发展出了各自独特的电子政务绩效评估模式。在这些机构中,以爱森哲(Accenture)公司、Gartner公司、联合国与美国行政学会、TNS公司以及New Jersey Newark大学等机构的研究为代表。
    第三部分 对电子政务的投资结构从时间和项目内容两个维度进行了剖析,为建立合理的电子政务指标体系奠定了基础。之后,本文又将分析深入到电子政务的利益相关者,将利益相关者理论引入到电子政务绩效评估当中去。从电子政务上、下、左(右)、中全方位对电子政务的评价指标进行分析。这五个方面分别是上级政府部门(投资方)、社会公众和企业、协同政府部门以及项目实施部门。以这四个利益相关者作为一级指标,设计出了一个包含12个二级指标和56个三级指标的指标体系,并对指标的可操作性进行了分析。
     第四部分 对电子政务系统进行了分类,认为不同类型的电子政务系统,其各指标的权重分布会有不同。运用层次分析法确定各指标权重,结合加权平均法,最终得出电子政务项目的最终评价结果。
    第五部分 通过实例对基于相关者理论的电子政务绩效评价方法进行了论证,并将其和比较流行的平衡计分卡法进行了对比分析,分别阐述了其优缺点。
With the development of information technology and further reforming of the government system,nowadays E-government has become a hot point of view in the informatization construction all over the world and has shown its priorities. After a broad scale of investment and construction,whether the E-government could make performance to our expectation has become a problem to which we must pay our attention. In fact,because of E-government being the dangerous Project,we often see a lot of useless E-government project which spend a lot of money, so we can also found out it important to assess the performance of E-government. And in the Prospective of public administration,the factors such as the openness of responsibility and performance of government,the tough restrain to finance and the up-rising right to know of the public and so on also decides the necessity of the E-government performance assessment. So,in regard with the stake holder theory,this paper studies the related problems of the E- government performance assessment in detail and the author hopes that he can provide some reference with the research of the E-government performance assessment work of our country. This paper is divided into four Parts:
The first part states the sense of why discuss this topic, the contents, the writing rout and the new point in this paper.
The second part introduces the definition, contents, characteristics and functions of E-government and compares the main current E-government performance assessment patterns as emphasis. In recent years, many research organizations, consultative companies and scholars have deeply studied the E-government performance assessment and also put them into practice. Among these, Accenture, Gartner, TNS Company and New Jersey Newark University etc. are representatives.
The third part is mainly about the conception of the investment structure from the point of timeframe and content of E-government construction, which lay down a basis for further setup a pattern of E-government index. After that, it focuses on the stake holder of E-government; found out the 4 stake holders who are around the e-government project. They are supervisory government sector (the investor), the public, the coordinate government sector, and the implement government sector. Based on the 4 stake holders, an index system which includes 12 second indexes and 56 third indexes, were designed.
The fourth part divided the E-government system into different types. Each type of E-government should have different weight entitlement on each index. It also combined Analytical Hierarchy Process and Weighted Average Process to figure out the final score of the E-government system.
Part 5 has been demonstrated e-government performance evaluation method based on stakeholder theory by an example,