【英文摘要】The essential feature of economical management relationshipthat regulated in the economic law is its social publicity.The economic law came into being according to the timespirit and social demand of social publicity. The socialpublicity is the core scope of economic law, it decides thebirth,value, subject, duty and right and nature of theeconomic law.
王保树先生在《法学研究》1993年第2 期发表过一篇题为《市场经济与经济法学的发展机遇》的论文,在论文第四部分中提出“经济法所调整的经济管理关系的本质特征在于社会公共性”,“经济法是社会整体调节机制的法”。〔1〕这里,我们在已有认识的基础上, 进一步作以下探讨...................