
留学生商务管理课程作业:Definition of Service Quality

日期:2023年08月08日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:511
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202308081247305911 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:新加坡 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士预科课程作业 Master Pre Coursework
ases patient value by decreasing waste and time. It mainly concentrate on the requirements of the patient by involving the staff and simultaneous improvement in the quality of service. Lean process was developed by Toyota motors which mainly helps for improving the management by reducing waste and improve quality.
Advantages by applying Lean process in a health care organization:在医疗保健组织中应用精益流程的优势
Must reduce unwanted cost and on the over stock by which wastage of money can happen, avoiding this wastage can save money for the organization.必须减少不必要的成本和可能发生浪费资金的库存,避免这种浪费可以为组织节省资金。
Staff should not waste time and by making patients to wit in the reception.工作人员不应该浪费时间,也不应该让病人在接待处变得机智。
Staff must stop doing unnecessary works as this may save time and they can learn new process etc.员工必须停止做不必要的工作,因为这可以节省时间,他们可以学习新的流程等。
Quality of service can be increased by give quality service.提供优质服务可以提高服务质量。
Staff must dedicate their maximum time with patients so that they can know more about their medical condition and work on their treatment.工作人员必须尽可能多地与患者相处,以便他们能够更多地了解自己的医疗状况并开展治疗工作。
Unwanted wastes like expiry of products and staff insurance must be minimized.必须尽量减少产品过期和员工保险等不必要的浪费。
Management must to gradual improvements in the various departments of the hospital. To make this change possible all the staff must work together.医院各科室的管理必须逐步改进。为了使这一改变成为可能,全体员工必须共同努力。
Business Management Process:业务管理流程
This a type of management which mainly focus on managing and use of process in the permanence of organization.这是一种主要关注组织持久性过程的管理和使用的管理类型。
There are 10 principles which help in managing the organization:有10条原则有助于管理组织
Continuity, Enablement, Holism, Institutionalization, Involvement, Joint Understanding, Purpose, Simplicity, Technology Appropriation Context Awareness.连续性、使能性、整体性、制度化、参与性、共同理解、目的性、简单性、技术占用、 情境感知。
A hospital or health care organization must use the latest technologies as this may maximise the efficiency of work by improving the quality of service. But before usage of this techniques management must give training to the staff so that they can reduce the errors and know well how to use the instruments.
This is the main principle to be followed in the hospital as this may bring lot of changes in the organization. According to this principle regular meeting must be conducted involving all the staff (medical and non-medical) and regular feedback should be taken from the residents and work on it to improve the quality of service.
The speed of work by staff must be increased so that they can reduce the waiting time of the patients and improve the quality of service.
All the staff must be able to solve the problem of the patient and ensure that they get proper facilities on time and avoid the wastage of time.
Joint Understanding:共同谅解
There shouldn’t be any language barrier between the staff and patient and staff must now avoid the patient.