correlated with the operational efficiency of the bank because it did not provide its regulators with high quality, resulting in a low degree of operational efficiency. Information technology was negatively linked to the bank's decision-making capability and business objectives because the systems didn't enable information to be effectively circulated among other departments or provide a consistent overview of bank operations to senior management. The consequence of this is always a lack of proper communication that inevitably leads to insufficient decision-making. It is clear that information technology, along with information systems, has caused Deutsche Bank to face a variety of recent challenges.
3) As they had more than 100 separate booking systems for trade in London, Deutsche Bank didn't use technology effectively to implement its business strategy, and because each system used a different number or code, it was very difficult to recognize each client within the system. In February 2018, the bank announced that it had a loss of $900 million for 2017, the third annual loss in a row. Their defined business plan was to place teams against each other, but the outcomes were ineffective, leading the bank to collect data by hand from the systems. It was extremely unsuccessful and inefficient with the technology they used as the outdated technology was unable to provide crucial information required by the bank to handle any problems that may occur. In today's day and age it's extremely important to stay up to date with technology, but due to Deutsche Bank not modernizing their IT systems early on, their bank was endangered.
4) The re-engineering of the bank's information systems and operations was suggested to
Deutsche Bank. If they use the trial and error method, it would be a very effective solution as Boeing used this method and it has shown hopeful results. Boeing used this strategy of trial and error by launching aircraft by watching them crash and attempting to learn from their errors. Similarly, if Deutsche Bank were to use this approach for their IT systems, their errors would be minimized and some promising outcomes could be achieved instead.
Relevant Research and Commentary 相关研究和评论
Upon doing further research, I found out about the largest commercial bank in India named SBI (Deb, 2020). In December 2020, YONO (SBI mobile application) had been impacted due to a system outage. Approximately 55% of the bank's transactions are done digitally and half of those transactions are through YONO so this outage impacted hundreds of customers (Shukla, 2020). The bank tried to resolve this situation by making some minor changes, however, the information systems were designed over a decade ago. This bank should've kept systems up to date with the latest technologies as they faced technological glitches due to their usage of older systems. The old systems were unable to handle large digital transaction volumes (Saxena, 2020). However, this isn't the first time that SBI has faced a system outage. They have been having system outages almost once a month due to their old information systems. Furthermore, they said the reason they continuously experienced more outages was due to them upgrading their internet ban